Why the Loss of Free Speech On Campuses Threatens Religious Liberty In America
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Join Us for a Festive Occasion Celebrating the Holiday Season. In addition to plenty of good cheer and entertainment, we will also hear from Eric Patterson, President of Religious Freedom Institute.
Eric recently testified before the US House Foreign Affairs Committee. His topic was “The Dire State of Religious Freedom Around the World”. View his presentation at https://religiousfreedominstitute.org/rfi-president-testifies-before-house-committee-on-dire-state-of-religious-freedom-around-the-world/

Eric Patterson
Religious Freedom Institute
Eric Patterson Bio:
Eric Patterson serves as the President of the Religious Freedom Institute. He previously served as Dean of the School of Government at Regent University. He is an expert in two overlapping areas: the ethics of war and peace, and, global religious trends and religious freedom policy. These two areas routinely intersect, such as in building post-conflict systems that represent diverse ethno-religious factions, understanding the religious factors in conflict, and measuring U.S. democracy promotion efforts. His government experience includes time at the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, service as a White House Fellow, and over 20 years as an Air National Guard commander. In addition to op-eds and academic articles, he is the author or editor of 20 books, including Just American Wars: Ethical Dilemmas in U.S. Military History and Politics in a Religious World: Toward a Religious Informed U.S. Foreign Policy.
RFI Mission:
RFI is committed to achieving broad acceptance of religious liberty as a fundamental human right, a source of individual and social flourishing, the cornerstone of a successful society, and a driver of national and international security.
We accomplish this goal by convincing stakeholders in select regions of the world that religious freedom can help them achieve their own goals—political, economic, strategic, and religious. RFI Action Teams have a presence on the ground in each region to build coalitions and work toward making religious freedom a priority for governments, civil society, religious communities, businesses, and the general public.