Senator Rick Scott update February 12
This week, Senator Scott spoke on the Senate floor and…

Senator Rick Scott Week in Review February 6
This week, Senator Rick Scott voted against Senate Democrats’…

Senator Rick Scott Update January 30
Sen. Rick Scott: We Must Enhance Border Security and Provide…

U.S. Sen. Rick Scott Fights for Floridians During the 116th Congress
Over the last two years, Senator Rick Scott has worked…

US Senator Rick Scott January 15 Update
This week, after President-elect Joe Biden announced his…

Senator Rick Scott January 9th Weekly Update
This week, America watched as a group of lawless thugs…

Senator Rick Scott Weekly Update
U.S. Sen. Rick Scott Recognizes Human Rights Awareness…

Rick Scott Fights for Religious Freedom
Americans have the right to freely exercise religion –…

Senator Rick Scott Week in Review
This week, Senator Rick Scott led his colleagues in a resolution…