Senator Rick Scott Archives - Republican Men's Club of Collier County Republican Values for Naples and Collier County Wed, 03 Jan 2024 00:28:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Senator Rick Scott Archives - Republican Men's Club of Collier County 32 32 Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review Tue, 26 Dec 2023 01:04:54 +0000 Dear Fellow Floridian, Over the past few months, I have grown more and more concerned by the uptick in antisemitism in our communities, on our campuses and even in our […]

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Dear Fellow Floridian,

Over the past few months, I have grown more and more concerned by the uptick in antisemitism in our communities, on our campuses and even in our nation’s capital.

I will always stand with Israel and Florida’s Jewish community. I’ve met with the families of so many of those still in being held hostage by Iran-backed Hamas terrorists, and their dedication to spreading their family members’ stories and standing with Israel is inspiring. It’s why I am dedicated to doing everything I can to help bring them ALL home.

But we must also address the hatred in our own nation. It’s why I introduced the Antisemitism Awareness Act, which directs the Department of Education to use of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) definition of antisemitism when investigating antisemitic acts on campus. I’m also demanding an immediate vote on my  Stop Antisemitism on College Campuses Act. This bill would rescind federal education funding for colleges and universities that peddle antisemitism or authorize, fund or facilitate events that promote violent antisemitism.

Ann and I were also proud to donate my Senate salary to causes across our state and country, like the Florida Holocaust Museum, the Jewish Federations of North Americaand the Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center, that help educate Florida families on the horrors of antisemism and how we can better stand with our great friend, Israel.

I will NEVER tolerate this hate, and will ALWAYS stand with the Jewish people and support Israel. This holiday season, I hope that you will join my family in praying for these families and all in Israel and around the world who has been hurt by terrorism and hate.

Read more HERE.



Rick Scott

United States Senator


P.S. Christmas costing more this holiday season? Here’s why.


To be the first to find out about Senator Scott’s actions and statements, follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.



Sen. Rick Scott Joins Colleagues in Calling for a Meeting of the Conference to Discuss Border Security Negotiations

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Ron Johnson and 13 of their Senate GOP colleagues in sending a letter to Conference Chair John Barrasso requesting a meeting of the Conference the week of January 8, 2024 to discuss the negotiations with President Biden and Senate Democrats regarding border security.

Read more HERE

Sens. Rick Scott & Marco Rubio Introduce Resolution Congratulating FSU Women’s Soccer for National Championship Victory

Senator Rick Scott and Senator Marco Rubio announced the introduction of their U.S. Senate Resolution congratulating the Florida State University women’s soccer team for winning the 2023 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Women’s Soccer Championship.

.Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: CFP Response Fails to Answer Questions, Provide Transparency on FSU Snub

Senator Rick Scott continued his fight for transparency from the College Football Playoff (CFP) following Executive Director Bill Hancock’s inadequate response to his request. Senator Scott’s original letter which was sent on December 4th, one day after the CFP made the unprecedented decision to snub Florida State University (FSU), requested answers as to why the undefeated, Power Five conference champion was excluded from the playoffs for the first time in the Committee’s 10-year history. In its response, the CFP failed to answer any of the 10 questions Senator Scott posed in his initial letter.

Read more HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott and Gary Peters Applaud Passage of Bipartisan Bill to Mitigate Waste, Fraud and Abuse Following Natural Disasters

Senator Rick Scott applauded the passage of his bipartisan Disaster Contract Improvement Act with Senators Gary Peters and Jacky Rosen to improve the disaster contracting process on the federal, state and local levels of government following natural disasters and mitigate waste, fraud and abuse. The bill aims to protect victims of natural disasters by ensuring post-disaster services are delivered quickly and taxpayer dollars are spent solely on helping impacted communities. The Disaster Contract Improvement Act was approved by the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC) earlier this year.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Florida is no stranger to natural disasters. But thankfully, Florida is resilient because of the intense preparation that goes into our disaster readiness planning. Sadly, even when we prepare, all too often we have seen waste, fraud and abuse following storms. It hurts our families, local governments, and the American taxpayer. My bill, the Disaster Contract Improvement Act, will help stop this waste and make sure that every dollar is spent with care, preserving resources for future disaster response efforts. I want to applaud its passage and thank Chairman Peters and Senator Rosen for joining me in this good, bipartisan bill. The Disaster Contract Improvement Act is a win for American taxpayers.”

Read more HERE.    

Sen. Rick Scott Announces Senate Salary Donation to The Florida Holocaust Museum in St. Petersburg

Senator Rick Scott and Mrs. Ann Scott announced they will donate a portion of his 4th quarter Senate salary to The Florida Holocaust Museum. The Florida Holocaust Museum, located in St. Petersburg, honors the memory of millions of innocent men, women and children who suffered or died in the Holocaust. The museum is dedicated to teaching all people the inherent worth and dignity of human life to prevent future genocides. Senator Scott has donated his Senate salary since taking office in 2019, and will be making additional donation announcements later this week.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Ann and I are proud to support the mission of the Florida Holocaust Museum and its dedication to educating Floridians on the horrors of the Holocaust. Our country is witnessing a disgusting rise in antisemitic events, and these terrible incidents have only grown more frequent and vile since Iran-backed Hamas terrorists attacked Israel on October 7th. The Florida Holocaust Museum serves as a beacon of light and a reminder that while the Jewish people have endured thousands of years of hate and persecution, we will never let hate win and destroy Israel or the Jewish people. The Florida Holocaust Museum was also a cause so important to our dear friend, Mel Sembler, who we lost earlier this year. Mel spent so much of his life as a voice for the Jewish people and supporting Israel. We are proud to honor his legacy with this donation today.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott, Sen. Mike Rounds, Chair Patrick McHenry & Rep. Warren Davidson Lead 76 Colleagues in Bicameral Letter to FinCEN Demanding Delay of Red-Tape Rule on Small Businesses

Following concerns from constituents and small business groups about a new financial reporting requirement expected to take effect in just a few weeks, Senators Rick Scott and Mike Rounds, House Financial Services Chairman Patrick McHenry and Representative Warren Davidson led 76 of their colleagues in sending a bicameral letter to Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury, and Andrea Gacki, Director of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), requesting a delay in the implementation of new reporting requirements for small businesses. The new federal reporting requirements would expand FinCEN to collect and store confidential personal information about small businesses that have fewer than 20 full-time employees. This substantial regulation that impacts nearly every small business in America is expected to take effect January 1st and impact 32.6 million small businesses who are largely unaware of the new requirements that carry significant criminal and civil penalties for non-compliance.

Read more HERE.    

Sen. Rick Scott to America’s Grocery Stores: Protect Customers, Stop Selling Sewage Garlic From Communist China

Senator Rick Scott sent letters to America’s major grocers urging them to proactively take Chinese Sewage Garlic off their shelves to reduce risk to their customers and demonstrate that they will only sell products that are verifiably safe for consumption. This letter follows the recent letter Senator Scott sent to Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo urging the Department of Commerce to investigate the food safety of garlic grown in Communist China following reports that the garlic is being grown in human sewage, then bleached and harvested in abhorrent conditions, often with slave labor. In the coming weeks, Senator Scott is introducing the SEWAGE GARLIC Imports Act and the SEWAGE GARLIC Imports Tariff Act to address the growth practices and safety of garlic produced in China for human consumption.

Read more HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott and Joe Manchin Lead introduction of Iran SDR Exchange Prohibition Act

Senator Rick Scott and Senator Joe Manchin announced the introduction of their Iran SDR Exchange Prohibition Act to prohibit the U.S. Treasury Secretary from exchanging dollars for International Monetary Fund (IMF) Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) held by Iran. SDRs allow countries to lay claim to dollars, euros, and other major currencies to use with no strings attached. Iran’s SDRs currently total more than $6.7 billion and represent unconditional liquidity for Iran to back terrorist organizations, like Hamas, that are attacking a United States ally, Israel. The amount an IMF country gets from an SDR allocation is largely based on a country’s position in the world economy, meaning most of the money goes to wealthy countries and rogue regimes, and not the countries that need it most. Congressmen French Hill and Brad Sherman introduced the companion legislation in the House of Representatives.

Senator Rick Scott said, “As Iran-backed Hamas terrorists attack our greatest ally in the Middle East, Israel, the United States cannot be in the business of allowing IMF to be a piggy bank to Iran, funding these attacks or any future ones. Iran is the world’s largest state sponsor of terror. Its leaders chant, ‘Death to America’ and want to destroy Israel. Iran is behind the brutal terrorists that beheaded babies, raped and killed young women, burned people alive and are still holding Americans hostage. This legislation closes the door for Iran to receive U.S. support through the IMF, which has grossly acted as an open financial channel to Iran for too long. I am proud to join Senator Manchin, Congressman Hill and Congressman Sherman to lead this bipartisan, bicameral effort, and look forward to it becoming law.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Announces Senate Salary Donation to Jewish Federations of North America’s Israel Emergency Fund

Senator Rick Scott and Mrs. Ann Scott announced they will donate a portion of his 4th quarter Senate salary to the Jewish Federations of North America for its Israel Emergency fund. The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) represents nearly 400 independent Jewish communities, and works closely with the Government of Israel and a variety of agencies to secure the Jewish State; help the most vulnerable groups, including immigrants and Holocaust survivors; and strengthen and rebuild Jewish life throughout the world. Yesterday, Senator Scott announced a donation to The Florida Holocaust Museum and will be making an additional announcement tomorrow. Senator Scott has donated his Senate salary since taking office in 2019.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Ann and I are proud to support the incredible work of the Jewish Federations of North America, which has a direct impact on Jewish populations in Florida, Israel, across America and worldwide. The wide network of JFNA is a support system for Jewish families, protecting them when needed, helping develop strong communities, and providing safe places for them to worship and grow their faith. This is especially critical as our Jewish communities face attacks from Iran-backed Hamas terrorists in Israel and increased threats and anti-Semitic attacks around the world. I’ve had the opportunity to visit Israel several times, and my wife Ann and I visited Kfar Aza, a kibbutz that was site to a complete massacre. These communities need the strong support, protection and assistance of groups like JFNA, and we’re incredibly humbled to make this announcement today.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott to E-Commerce Platforms & Retailers: Share Country of Origin to Protect Consumers

Senator Rick Scott sent letters to e-commerce platforms and retailers reiterating his calls for the companies to prominently display the country of origin for all goods sold online. Senator Scott is urging the platforms to display this information so American consumers can make informed choices for themselves and their families and protect themselves against purchasing goods from countries, like Communist China, that have a history of producing and exporting faulty and dangerous goods.

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Announces Senate Salary Donation to Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center in Naples

Senator Rick Scott and Mrs. Ann Scott announced they will donate a portion of his 4th quarter Senate salary to the Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center in Naples, Florida. The Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center’s mission is to teach the lessons of the Holocaust to inspire action against bigotry, hatred and violence. It also offers education programs focused on middle and high school students in Southwest Florida and the community at large. Earlier this week, Senator Scott announced donations to The Florida Holocaust Museum and the Jewish Federations of North America. Senator Scott has donated his Senate salary since taking office in 2019.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Ann and I are grateful for the opportunity to support the Holocaust Museum and Cohen Education Center in our home town of Naples. This important organization reaches thousands of students and visitors every year, and is a staple in the Southwest Florida community. I remember when Ann and I brought our daughters to the Auschwitz memorial and museum in Poland. We spent two days walking the grounds, learning and confronting the horrors that occurred there – and understanding the meaning of the promise ‘never again.’ The Holocaust Museum and Cohen Education Center is committed to shining a light on these horrors, and ensuring students learn the history of the Holocaust and see for themselves why antisemitism is disgusting, evil and has no place in our society.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott & Colleagues to NOAA: Implement the FREDI Act & Increase Transparency for Disaster Relief

Senator Rick Scott and Senators Roger Wicker, Marco Rubio and Bill Cassidy sent a letter to Janet Coit, Assistant Administrator for Fisheries at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), urging the implementation of the Fishery Resource Disasters Improvement Act (FREDI). This law, if it is implemented properly, has the potential to improve the fishery disaster assistance process at the NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service and restore confidence and faith in the fishery disaster assistance process by increasing transparency and user experience when applying for relief.

Read more HERE



Sports Illustrated: Senator Rick Scott Continues to Push CFP Committee For Answers on FSU Snub

247 Sports: Florida senator pushes back after CFP passes on request for transparency regarding FSU snub

The Floridian: Scott Requests E-Commerce Retailers to Provide Country of Origin for Foreign Based Products

The Floridian: Scott Demands China’s ‘Sewage Garlic’ is Taken Off Shelves

Tallahassee Democrat: GOP Sen. Rick Scott responds to Bill Hancock, College Football Playoff Committee on FSU snub

WFLA: Sen. Scott to donate portion of salary to Florida Holocaust Museum in St. Pete

WJNO: Sen. Scott Touts Defense Spending Act Ahead of Vote

Florida Politics: ‘Bigger than college football’: Rick Scott keeps probing FSU playoff snub

Florida Politics: Rick Scott wants ‘sewage garlic’ off grocery shelves

Florida Daily:Senate Passes Rick Scott’s Disaster Contract Improvement Act

Florida Daily: Rick Scott, Gary Peters Get Bill Expanding U.S. Semiconductor Chips Manufacturing Through the Senate

Florida Daily: Rick Scott: Mexico’s Tomato Dumping Hurts Florida Farmers, Calls for Commerce Department to Terminate Suspension Agreement


Senator Scott’s Team in Orlando


This week, Senator Scott’s team attended the Manufacturers Association of Central Florida’s Jingle Mingle and Tour at Mitsubishi Power Americas, Inc.

Senator Scott’s Team in Naples


Senator Scott’s team also attended the Naples Police Department Coffee with a Cop event in Collier County.

Senator Scott’s Team in Kissimmee


Senator Scott’s team also attended the Faith with Purpose Summit at Nacion de Fé Church.









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Sen. Rick Scott Secures Big Wins for Florida with Passage of National Defense Authorization Act🚨Sen. Rick Scott Secures Big Wins for Florida with Passage of National Defense Authorization Act Sat, 23 Dec 2023 02:56:36 +0000 Sen. Rick Scott Secures Big Wins for Florida with Passage of National Defense Authorization Act   On December 14th, Senator Rick Scott, member of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC), […]

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Sen. Rick Scott Secures Big Wins for Florida with Passage of National Defense Authorization Act


On December 14th, Senator Rick Scott, member of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC), and ranking member of the SASC Personnel Subcommittee, released the following statement following the final passage of the Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (FY 24 NDAA) by both the House and Senate. Each year, Senator Scott has fought as a member of the SASC to secure provisions in the NDAA that bolster Florida’s military installations, support U.S. service members, veterans and their families and protect America’s national security. The U.S. military is incredibly important to Florida, which is home to 21 military bases and three unified combatant commands, nearly 64,000 active duty members, 38,000 reservists and more than 1.5 million veterans. This year’s wins include a 5.2% pay raise for service members and the approval of Senator Scott’s legislation to ban federal agencies from purchasing drones made in Communist China – which have proven to present a grave threat to U.S. national security.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Florida is home to thousands of brave men and women who wake up every day and put on the uniform, and it is my goal to ensure Washington works for them. I am very proud of the progress we made in this year’s NDAA, the much-deserved 5.2% pay raise we secured for our men and women in uniform, and the big wins we got for Florida and U.S. national security. America and Americans just got more secure thanks to the inclusion of my American Security Drone Act to block drones made in and by companies controlled by Communist China from being used by federal agencies. Getting this bill passed in this year’s NDAA is a massive win for our national security and the safety of Florida families. Communist China has been known to spy on us, using companies like drone maker DJI, who are obligated by law to report back to the evil regime, to carry out its information collection missions. Thanks to the passage of my American Security Drone Act the U.S. will now no longer spend taxpayer dollars to let Communist China spy on us through their drones. We must always keep in mind that we are facing threats from adversaries like Communist China, Iran and Russia, who are building up their militaries to defeat us. We have to keep investing in our armed forces and prioritizing policies that make us the most lethal, not woke, force on the planet. I’ve also been clear that we must both protect our country from terror threats and protect Americans from warrantless spying by the FBI. During this NDAA process, I was proud to support Senator Rand Paul’s vote to remove the extension of FISA Section 702 from this bill. While our effort was not successful, I am fully committed to ensuring major changes to 702 happen when we return next year to prevent the FBI from spying on Americans.”

Some of Senator Scott’s sponsored amendments were included in the FY24 NDAA:

  • The American Security Drone Act of 2023 would ban federal agencies from buying and operating Chinese-made drones;
  • Provisions from the FINISH IT Act to end wasteful storage of border wall construction materials and prioritize their use at ports of entry and construction projects aiming to end drug and human trafficking at the border; and
  • Putting pressure on the Biden administration’s regulatory overreach to end their Rice’s Whale Rule, which would implement an 11.5 MPH speed limit and prohibit nighttime sailing in the Gulf

The FY 2024 NDAA also includes several other measures fought for and secured by Senator Scott:

  • A 5.2% pay raise for our brave service members;
  • $886.3 billion in national defense spending;
  • More than $598.6 million in funding for construction projects, childcare, and training facilities on Florida’s military bases, including:
    • Naval Air Station Whiting Field Advanced Helicopter Training System Hangar;
    • MacDill Air Force Base KC-46A ADAL Aircraft Corrosion Control; KC-46A ADAL Aircraft Maintenance Hangar; KC-46A Apron & Hydrant Fueling Pits; KC-46A ADAL Fuel System Maintenance Dock;
    • Patrick Space Force Base Commercial Vehicle Inspection; Cost to Complete: Consolidated Communications Center; Final Denial Barriers, South Gate; Natural Disaster Recovery;
    • Camp Blanding Multipurpose Machine Gun Range; Training Aids Center; Wedge Infantry Squad Battle Course;
    • Cost to complete an Army Reserve Center at Perrine; and
    • Jacksonville International Airport F-35 Munitions Storage Area;
  • Establishes new U.S. military training program with Taiwan and requires a plan to accelerate deliveries of anti-ship missiles to Taiwan;
  • Authorizes $200 million for U.S.-Israel missile defense programming, including the Iron Dome;
  • Improvement opportunities for parental input and involvement in Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA) programs and schools;
  • Requirements for the Pentagon to plan to counter cartels’ human and fentanyl trafficking on the border;
  • A Naval Station Guantanamo Bay Effectiveness and Impact Study that requires a briefing and report from the Department of Defense on whether the base, 90 miles from Florida where the Chinese Communist Party has established spying operations, is being used effectively to defend the national security interests of the United States from foreign governments such as China and Russia;
  • Measures to protect female athletes at U.S. Service Academies by requiring the Pentagon to explain their policies on biological males participating in women’s sports;
  • Authorizations to improve to the quality and oversight of military enlisted barracks;
  • Authorization for a pilot program to assess the effectiveness of increasing pay for employees of DOD Child Development Centers in improving the ability to recruit and retain providers to ensure service members and their families are receiving high-quality and dependable childcare;
  • Authorization for increased funding for cutting-edge technologies to improve warfighter lethality and survivability, including night vision enhancements, multi-spectral camouflage development, and Black Hawk, Apache, and Chinook helicopter performance improvements;
  • A report assessing acquisition authorities, including multi-year procurement authority, necessary to ensure the LGM-35A Sentinel program meets current timelines. The LGM-35A Sentinel program, the Fleet Ballistic Missile Strategic Weapon System, and the Hypersonic Targets and Countermeasures Program deter enemies that threaten Americans’ security and way of life;
  • Provisions to protect Homestead Air Reserve Base by encouraging the Air Force to continue the strong history of fighter and flying missions, ensuring South Florida continues to lead the way in power projection in the Western Hemisphere and keeping Floridians and Americans safe;
  • The development of new homeland air defense protocols and missile defense studies to avoid future violations of airspace following the Chinese spy balloon debacle;
  • Real-time data sharing for TRICARE Coast Guard members and beneficiaries that will enhance the ability to monitor, assess, and optimize healthcare services;
  • Ending China’s developing nation status;
  • Prohibition on use of funds for the Wuhan Institute of Virology;
  • Strategy to Achieve Critical Mineral Supply Chain Independence for the Department of Defense; and
  • Prohibition on Federal Funding for EcoHealth Alliance Inc., a company involved in the experimentation with COVID in Wuhan.
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111 N. Adams Street, Suite 208
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: (850) 942-8415
415 Clematis Street, Suite 201
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: (561) 514-0189
801 North Florida Avenue, Suite 421
Tampa, FL 33602
Phone: (813) 225-7040
1 Courthouse Square, Suite 300
Kissimmee, FL 34741
Phone: (407) 586-7879
221 Palafox Place, Suite 420
Pensacola, FL 32502
Phone: (850) 760-5151
901 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 505
Miami, FL 33134
Phone: (786) 501-7141
3299 Tamiami Trail East, #106
Naples, FL 34112
Phone: (239) 231-7890
400 West Bay Street, Suite 289
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone: (904) 479-7227
225 East Robinson Street, Suite 410
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: (407) 872-7161
110 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5274
Fax: (202) 228-4535

The post Sen. Rick Scott Secures Big Wins for Florida with Passage of National Defense Authorization Act🚨Sen. Rick Scott Secures Big Wins for Florida with Passage of National Defense Authorization Act appeared first on Republican Men's Club of Collier County.

Sen. Rick Scott: I Won’t Stop Fighting for Families Affected by Hurricane Ian🚨 Sat, 16 Dec 2023 14:40:22 +0000 Sen. Rick Scott: I Won’t Stop Fighting for Families Affected by Hurricane Ian   Dear Fellow Floridian, Last March, I introduced the Hurricane Tax Relief Act to help families and […]

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Sen. Rick Scott: I Won’t Stop Fighting for Families Affected by Hurricane Ian


Dear Fellow Floridian,

Last March, I introduced the Hurricane Tax Relief Act to help families and businesses who faced unbelievable devastation following Hurricane Ian.

After Hurricane Ian made landfall, I spent weeks meeting with Floridians, business and community leaders on the ground hearing their stories and seeing what we could do to help. Recovery doesn’t fall just on Florida families and businesses – it’s an all hands on deck operation that requires the federal government to show up today, tomorrow and every day until the job is done.

I know our work is not done. I’m still working to pass my Hurricane Tax Relief Act to provide disaster-loss tax relief to families who have been impacted by qualified disasters like Ian for purposes of enhanced disaster casualty loss tax relief.

I won’t stop fighting to get these bills passed and secure the disaster aid that Florida families need and deserve. Florida is resilient and with the help of neighbors, community partners and local, state and federal resources, we will continue to rebuild and recover stronger than ever.





Rick Scott

United States Senator

111 N. Adams Street, Suite 208
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: (850) 942-8415
415 Clematis Street, Suite 201
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: (561) 514-0189
801 North Florida Avenue, Suite 421
Tampa, FL 33602
Phone: (813) 225-7040
1 Courthouse Square, Suite 300
Kissimmee, FL 34741
Phone: (407) 586-7879
221 Palafox Place, Suite 420
Pensacola, FL 32502
Phone: (850) 760-5151
901 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 505
Miami, FL 33134
Phone: (786) 501-7141
3299 Tamiami Trail East, #106
Naples, FL 34112
Phone: (239) 231-7890
400 West Bay Street, Suite 289
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone: (904) 479-7227
225 East Robinson Street, Suite 410
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: (407) 872-7161
110 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5274

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Sen. Rick Scott: Hold Social Security Admin, Not Innocent Florida Seniors, Accountable for Overpayments Wed, 06 Dec 2023 02:30:11 +0000 Sen. Rick Scott: Hold Social Security Admin, Not Innocent Florida Seniors, Accountable for Overpayments On November 17th, Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to Kilolo Kijakazi, Acting Commissioner of the […]

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Sen. Rick Scott: Hold Social Security Admin, Not Innocent Florida Seniors, Accountable for Overpayments

On November 17th, Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to Kilolo Kijakazi, Acting Commissioner of the Social Security Administration (SSA) requesting information regarding nearly one million Americans who received a notice they had received too much in their Social Security checks, including thousands of Floridians. These notices have come as a complete surprise to many seniors in Florida and, if immediately recouped, would bankrupt an untold number of elderly Floridians.

Watch more HERE or below.




111 N. Adams Street, Suite 208
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: (850) 942-8415
415 Clematis Street, Suite 201
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: (561) 514-0189
801 North Florida Avenue, Suite 421
Tampa, FL 33602
Phone: (813) 225-7040
1 Courthouse Square, Suite 300
Kissimmee, FL 34741
Phone: (407) 586-7879
221 Palafox Place, Suite 420
Pensacola, FL 32502
Phone: (850) 760-5151
901 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 505
Miami, FL 33134
Phone: (786) 501-7141
3299 Tamiami Trail East, #106
Naples, FL 34112
Phone: (239) 231-7890
400 West Bay Street, Suite 289
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone: (904) 479-7227
225 East Robinson Street, Suite 410
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: (407) 872-7161
110 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5274
Fax: (202) 228-4535

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Sen. Rick Scott Leads Press Conference on Fiscal Sanity, Border Security in Upcoming Spending Bill Wed, 06 Dec 2023 01:57:31 +0000 Sen. Rick Scott Leads House & Senate Conservatives in Press Conference on Fiscal Sanity, Border Security in Upcoming Spending Bills On November 29th, Senator Rick Scott hosted a press conference […]

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Sen. Rick Scott Leads House & Senate Conservatives in Press Conference on Fiscal Sanity, Border Security in Upcoming Spending Bills

On November 29th, Senator Rick Scott hosted a press conference with Senators Mike Braun, Mike Lee, Ron Johnson and Roger Marshall, as well as members of the House Freedom Caucus (HFC), including HFC Chair Scott Perry and Representatives Chip Roy, Bob Good and Andy Biggs, highlighting the need to demand and secure fiscal sanity and border security in the upcoming supplemental and forthcoming appropriations bills.


Watch Senator Rick Scott’s remarks HERE or below.


Read more HERE.




111 N. Adams Street, Suite 208
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: (850) 942-8415
415 Clematis Street, Suite 201
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: (561) 514-0189
801 North Florida Avenue, Suite 421
Tampa, FL 33602
Phone: (813) 225-7040
1 Courthouse Square, Suite 300
Kissimmee, FL 34741
Phone: (407) 586-7879
221 Palafox Place, Suite 420
Pensacola, FL 32502
Phone: (850) 760-5151
901 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 505
Miami, FL 33134
Phone: (786) 501-7141
3299 Tamiami Trail East, #106
Naples, FL 34112
Phone: (239) 231-7890
400 West Bay Street, Suite 289
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone: (904) 479-7227
225 East Robinson Street, Suite 410
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: (407) 872-7161
110 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5274

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Sen. Rick Scott: I Stand Strongly with Israel Fri, 13 Oct 2023 21:36:36 +0000 Sen. Rick Scott: I Stand Strongly with Israel On Sunday, October 8th, following an invasion and the launch of attacks on innocent Israeli citizens by Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists, Senator Rick […]

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Sen. Rick Scott: I Stand Strongly with Israel

On Sunday, October 8th, following an invasion and the launch of attacks on innocent Israeli citizens by Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists, Senator Rick Scott released the following statement calling on Gulf nations to condemn these atrocities and publicly support the people of Israel. Senator Scott is actively reaching out to Abraham Accords and Gulf Council leaders to deliver this message.

Earlier this year, Senator Scott visited Israel, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates to highlight the peace and prosperity created by the Abraham Accords. During his visits, Senator Scott met with high-ranking government officials, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, U.S. military officials assigned to the United States Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT) and business leaders to discuss the economic and national security partnership between the United States and these nations. Read more about Senator Scott’s visit to Israel HERE.

Senator Rick Scott said, “The atrocities that occurred during the Iranian-backed Hamas attacks and invasion of Israel yesterday cannot be ignored. We must acknowledge how this happened. Logically, what happens when the largest state-sponsor-of-terrorism is able to free up billions of dollars now being sent for verifiable purchases? They are able to fund their terror operations with less restrictions. President Biden’s strategy rests on trusting the Iranians. It’s foolish, dangerous and we refuse to do it.

“This attack was more evil and complex than ever before and requires the world to react in united support of Israel. I am calling on all Abraham Accords and Gulf Council nations, including Saudi Arabia, to condemn these atrocities against Israel and publicly support the Israeli people. I am reaching out this week to these leaders with this message. We are all past the time of saying each side should de-escalate. There is no moral equivalence when Israelis are murdered in the hundreds, wounded in the thousands, and the elderly and children are dragged into captivity by murderous thugs. No government should accept this as anything other than the equivalent of the atrocities of ISIS and act accordingly.”

Read more HERE.

Floridians with knowledge of any American in need of help, please contact my casework team HERE.

  • Be sure to review Security Alerts released by the U.S. Embassy in Israel HERE and HERE.
  • Emergency information and contacts HERE.
  • U.S. citizens seeking to be in touch with the U.S. Embassy in Israel, visit HERE.
    • Crisis Intake form for U.S. citizens and their eligible family members HERE.
    • Call +1-833-890-9595 and +1-606-641-0131.
  • For any general inquiries about passports, Consular Reports of Birth Abroad, citizenship, or notary services, please use the online inquiry system HERE.
    • Inquiries are not being accepted by email or telephone.
  • Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) HERE to ensure you receive information from the Embassy about safety conditions and help the U.S. Embassy contact you in an emergency.

See more of Sen. Rick Scott’s Fight to Support Israel below:

Sen. Rick Scott: America Stands with Israel

On Saturday, October 7th, as Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists continue their invasion of Israel and attacks against innocent Israeli citizens, Senator Rick Scott released the following statement.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Israelis are dying today at the hands of Iran-backed terrorists. President Joe Biden, and every American ally and partner, must swiftly condemn this invasion and acts of war by Hamas terrorists and the Iranian regime which supports their murderous attacks.

“This is exactly why so many Americans and Israelis were disgusted to see President Biden give the Iranian regime $6 billion last month. Every dollar given to Iran funds terrorism in the Ayatollah’s quest to destroy Israel. Iran is behind today’s invasion and everyone must say that as we stand with our Israeli allies.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott, Sen. Marsha Blackburn and Senate Republicans Call On Biden To Freeze $6 Billion Iran Transfer

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Marsha Blackburn and 18 of their Senate Republican colleagues in calling on President Biden to immediately rescind the waivers that allowed Iranian funds to be converted and moved to more accessible bank accounts, as well as work with Qatar to immediately freeze the accounts containing these funds.

The letter was also signed by Senators Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Kevin Cramer (N.D.), John Thune (S.D.), James Lankford (R-Okla.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Bill Cassidy (R-La.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Katie Britt (R-Ala.), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Pete Ricketts (R-Neb.), Mike Braun (R-Ind.), Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.), Eric Schmitt (R-Mo.), Ted Budd (R-N.C.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), and Roger Marshall (R-Kan.)

Read the full letter HERE. Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott to Social Media Companies: Don’t Give Terrorism a Global Platform

On October 10th, following reports that Iran-backed Hamas terrorists are using TikTok, Instagram and other social media platforms to release videos of hostages taken from Israel begging for their lives, Senator Rick Scott called on these companies to aggressively take down any such posts, stop the transfer of any financial support to terrorists, and remove the accounts of any terrorist, group or individual sharing this content immediately.

Senator Rick Scott said, “The unprovoked attack by Iran-backed Hamas terrorists in Israel is horrific and unthinkable. The brutality of these monsters is pure evil and they want to extend the reach of their terror by sharing it on social media. That cannot be allowed to happen. Israelis have been murdered and wounded in the thousands. At least 11 Americans are dead. We’ve seen reports of babies savagely beheaded. Children shot in front of their parents. The elderly dragged through the streets. Now Iran-backed Hamas wants to inflict more terror by sharing videos of hostages begging for their lives in Gaza. Social media companies MUST take action. TikTok, Instagram (Meta), X and every other social media platform have an obligation to stop these terrorists from distributing posts containing violence and murder and collecting financial support for their terror operations. This content must be immediately removed and all associated accounts be permanently banned. Anyone financially supporting these terrorists, which is against federal law, must be immediately reported to authorities. These videos are terrorism, plain and simple, meant to instill fear and create chaos in the global community—and no company should give terrorism a voice on their platform.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott & Colleagues to Biden: Following Hamas Attacks on Israel, Convene the G7 to Jointly Sanction Iran

On October 10th, Senator Rick Scott led nine of his Senate colleagues in calling on President Biden to immediately convene the G7 nations and take coordinated action to further isolate Iran with severe sanctions and action that will strike directly at the wealth that its support of evil terrorism brings to the Ayatollah and the Iranian mullahs. The senators are urging President Biden to punish the evil Iranian regime, which remains the world’s largest state sponsor of terror, and deny its ability to continue supporting the brutality witnessed in Israel from ever occurring again.

The letter was signed by Senators Chuck Grassley, Kevin Cramer, Pete Ricketts, Steve Daines, Cindy Hyde-Smith, Marsha Blackburn, Thom Tillis, Deb Fischer and Katie Britt.

Read the full letter HERE. Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Joins Sen. Jacky Rosen & Bipartisan Group of Senate Armed Services Committee Members In Requesting Additional Iron Dome Batteries For Israel

Senators Rick Scott and Jacky Rosen, members of the Senate Armed Services Committee, are leading a bipartisan letter with Senators Mike Rounds (R-SD) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) urging the Department of Defense to transfer two additional Iron Dome batteries and other unused military assets to Israel as it continues to face rocket and missile attacks from Hamas, and the threat of Hezbollah entering the conflict. These batteries are currently in possession of the United States and are not being used.

The members wrote, “Since October 7, Hamas, which Iran directly supplies and funds, has fired thousands of rockets into populated areas across Israel with the intention of killing as many innocent civilians as possible. As you know, the United States Army is currently in possession of two Iron Dome batteries that have not been deployed and have no operational use inside the United States where they are currently stored.

“Immediately transferring these two Iron Dome batteries that are not in use to Israel would provide tangible, life-saving and sustained support to our ally as it faces rocket and missile salvos that threaten to overwhelm its defenses. The transfer of these two Iron Dome batteries, in addition to sending other unused military assets, would bolster Israel’s defense capabilities and immediately help Israel combat terrorist aggression.”

Read the full letter HERE. Read more HERE.




















111 N. Adams Street, Suite 208
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: (850) 942-8415
415 Clematis Street, Suite 201
West Palm Beach, FL 33401Phone: (561) 514-0189
801 North Florida Avenue, Suite 421
Tampa, FL 33602
Phone: (813) 225-7040
1 Courthouse Square, Suite 300
Kissimmee, FL 34741
Phone: (407) 586-7879
221 Palafox Place, Suite 420
Pensacola, FL 32502
Phone: (850) 760-5151
901 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 505
Miami, FL 33134
Phone: (786) 501-7141
3299 Tamiami Trail East, #106
Naples, FL 34112
Phone: (239) 231-7890
400 West Bay Street, Suite 289
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone: (904) 479-7227
225 East Robinson Street, Suite 410
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: (407) 872-7161
110 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5274
Fax: (202) 228-4535

The post Sen. Rick Scott: I Stand Strongly with Israel appeared first on Republican Men's Club of Collier County.

Sen. Rick Scott on Vote to Prevent Government Shutdown Wed, 04 Oct 2023 19:31:12 +0000 Sen. Rick Scott on Vote to Prevent Government Shutdown: Putting Floridians First On Saturday, September 30th, following the House and Senate passing a Continuing Resolution to avert a government shutdown, […]

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Sen. Rick Scott on Vote to Prevent Government Shutdown: Putting Floridians First

On Saturday, September 30th, following the House and Senate passing a Continuing Resolution to avert a government shutdown, which includes the $16 billion in disaster relief that Senator Rick Scott fought for, the senator released the following statement.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Today, Americans won and the Washington Establishment lost because for the first time in many years, Republicans in Washington are actually starting to act like Republicans. Today’s vote was a major win for Florida and America because we kept government funded while securing the $16 billion in disaster aid that I have been demanding since Hurricane Idalia hit Florida. When President Biden came to Florida to visit the destruction the storm caused, I pressed him for this funding. And, despite some Washington politicians’ best efforts, we stopped their attempts to hold disaster victims hostage in exchange for funding for Ukraine.   

“Now that we have taken this critical step to put Americans first over foreign wars, we must actually start considering our budget and pass it in a manner that doesn’t include massive omnibus bills. In normal Washington fashion, we know that the Establishment will want to jam through a massive end-of-year omnibus spending bill right before the holidays that is loaded with earmarks and special projects for politicians – but that will only worsen the pain caused by Joe Biden’s inflation induced policies. I am going to continue fighting alongside other conservatives in Congress to make sure that doesn’t happen – because there is no way we can continue down this path we are on that has led every American to see higher gas costs, excessive medical bills and unaffordable prices at the grocery store.”

Read more HERE.



111 N. Adams Street, Suite 208
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: (850) 942-8415
415 Clematis Street, Suite 201
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: (561) 514-0189
801 North Florida Avenue, Suite 421
Tampa, FL 33602
Phone: (813) 225-7040
1 Courthouse Square, Suite 300
Kissimmee, FL 34741
Phone: (407) 586-7879
221 Palafox Place, Suite 420
Pensacola, FL 32502
Phone: (850) 760-5151
901 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 505
Miami, FL 33134
Phone: (786) 501-7141
3299 Tamiami Trail East, #106
Naples, FL 34112
Phone: (239) 231-7890
400 West Bay Street, Suite 289
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone: (904) 479-7227
225 East Robinson Street, Suite 410
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: (407) 872-7161
110 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5274
Fax: (202) 228-4535

The post Sen. Rick Scott on Vote to Prevent Government Shutdown appeared first on Republican Men's Club of Collier County.

Sen. Rick Scott Shares Message on the Anniversary of Hurricane Ian Fri, 29 Sep 2023 22:51:21 +0000 Sen. Rick Scott Shares Message on the Anniversary of Hurricane Ian Dear Fellow Floridian, Today marks one year since Hurricane Ian made its catastrophic landfall in Southwest Florida and brought […]

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Sen. Rick Scott Shares Message on the Anniversary of Hurricane Ian

Dear Fellow Floridian,

Today marks one year since Hurricane Ian made its catastrophic landfall in Southwest Florida and brought destruction to so many Florida communities. Families and businesses faced unbelievable devastation, but hope was found in the volunteers and community partners committed to helping their neighbors get back on their feet.

Recovery doesn’t fall just on Floridians – it’s an all hands on deck operation that requires the federal government to show up today, tomorrow and every day until the job is done. That’s why I have introduced the Federal Disaster Responsibility Act, that combines the Disaster Relief Fund Replenishment ActHurricane Tax Relief ActBlock Grant Assistance Act, and other essential provisions, to make sure that the immediate needs for FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund are fully funded and Florida’s military bases, families and growers impacted by disasters have the federal support they need and deserve.

I won’t stop fighting to get these bills passed and secure the disaster aid that Florida families need and deserve. Florida is resilient and with the help of neighbors, community partners and local, state and federal resources, we will continue to rebuild and recover stronger than ever.



Rick Scott

United States Senator


See a message from Sen. Rick Scott on his fight for disaster relief HERE or below:



The post Sen. Rick Scott Shares Message on the Anniversary of Hurricane Ian appeared first on Republican Men's Club of Collier County.

Sen Rick Scott: I Will Not Stop Fighting for Florida’s Ag Community Fri, 29 Sep 2023 21:50:46 +0000 Sen. Rick Scott Discusses Fight for Florida Agriculture During Roundtable   On Monday, Senator Rick Scott hosted a roundtable to discuss issues facing Florida’s agriculture industry and his priorities for […]

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Sen. Rick Scott Discusses Fight for Florida Agriculture During Roundtable





On Monday, Senator Rick Scott hosted a roundtable to discuss issues facing Florida’s agriculture industry and his priorities for the upcoming Farm Bill. Senator John Boozman, Ranking Member of the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee, Florida Agriculture Commissioner Wilton Simpson and Florida farmers joined Senator Scott for the discussion at Parkesdale Farm in Dover, Florida.

For nearly a year, Senator Scott has been fighting to deliver resources to Florida’s growers and ranchers by getting his bipartisan Block Grant Assistance Act to President Biden’s desk. This urgently needed legislation provides authority for the U.S. Department of Agriculture to issue block grants to Florida’s growers and all U.S. agriculture producers devastated by recent natural disasters. Following the devastating landfall of major Category 3 Hurricane Idalia, Senator Scott introduced his Federal Disaster Responsibility Act, which includes the Block Grant Assistance Act, to fully fund FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund and deliver support to America’s growers and ranchers.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Today, I was proud to welcome Senator Boozman to the Sunshine State so he could hear directly from Florida Agriculture Commissioner Wilton Simpson and our state’s hardworking growers about what they need to succeed. As the Senate considers the upcoming Farm Bill, I am focused on helping our growers and ranchers by cutting red tape, encouraging buy-America requirements, and strengthening disaster relief aid so folks can recover from natural disasters that have impacted Florida’s farmland. Today’s roundtable made clear that while Florida’s agriculture industry is known around the world, things are tough for hardworking families in our state right now. Our growers and ranchers keep food on our tables and drive our economy forward – we must make sure that they have the resources needed to recover from the many challenges they’ve recently faced and thrive in the years ahead. That’s why I’ll be fighting hard to deliver for our growers in the Farm Bill and to make sure Congress finally passes my Federal Disaster Responsibility Act.”

Senator John Boozman said, “I appreciate Senator Scott’s invitation to visit with Florida’s agriculture community to learn firsthand how their experiences can help shape this critical legislation. We had an excellent roundtable that reinforces the message that the Farm Bill cannot be a one-size-fits-all solution. Farmers in every state and every region, including Florida, have different needs and the Farm Bill must reflect that reality. We received valuable input to consider as we seek to better support those who work tirelessly to ensure we have the safest, most affordable, and most abundant supply of food in the world.”

Commissioner Wilton Simpson said, “Agriculture is critical to our security as a nation, and we must do everything we can to ensure our food supply is protected and our farmers are supported. The 2023 U.S. Farm Bill provides needed support for Florida farmers and consumers alike in terms of the production of agricultural goods and access to them. I thank Senator Rick Scott and Senator John Boozman for holding this important discussion today and for their commitment to the future economic viability of Florida agriculture.”

Read more HERE.

Watch more HERE or in the video from 10 Tampa Bay below:


Read more HERE.

See more on Sen. Rick Scott’s work to support Florida’s agriculture community below:
Senate Democrats Block Sen. Rick Scott’s Disaster Relief Bill

On September 21st, Senator Rick Scott spoke on the Senate floor to request unanimous consent to schedule a vote on his bill, the Federal Disaster Responsibility Act. This bill would fully fund the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Disaster Relief Fund (DRF) to ensure the federal government could quickly and comprehensively respond to natural disasters, and deliver urgently needed disaster aid to America’s growers and ranchers. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, a Democrat from Rhode Island, blocked Senator Scott’s request, denying the Senate an opportunity to vote on and pass this bill. Following Senator Whitehouse’s objection, which denies disaster aid for millions of Americans, Senator Scott released the below statement.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Communities in every state are dependent on disaster aid from FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund, which is now nearly exhausted and will have just $550 million available at the end of this month. When I spoke to President Biden earlier this month, I told him this is UNACCEPTABLE and especially devastating for families and farmers in Florida, California, Illinois, Vermont and Hawaii who are fighting tooth and nail right now to recover from major disasters. In Florida, our growers and ranchers have been waiting for nearly a year since Ian devastated so many of them and this delay is Senate Democrats kicking them while they’re down. This shouldn’t be a political issue, but Democrats are treating it that way to try and force disaster aid to be part of their massive spending package. It is beyond shameful for Senate Democrats to hold disaster aid hostage, and I won’t stop fighting to get this bill passed and relief to our families and growers working hard to get back on their feet.”

Watch Senator Scott’s Speech HERE or below.



Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Discusses His Fight to Support Florida Agriculture in Clewiston



On September 8th, as the Senate begins drafting the upcoming Farm Bill, Senator Rick Scott visited Clewiston, Florida and joined Congressman Scott Franklin and Florida Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services Wilton Simpson for a discussion on the issues facing the Florida agricultural industry and growers across the Sunshine State. Senator Scott continues to fight for Florida’s agriculture industry in Washington through the upcoming Farm Bill and other legislation to make sure these hardworking individuals and businesses have the support they need to thrive and keep Fresh from Florida products on tables across the nation.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Florida’s agriculture industry is known around the world and the success of our state wouldn’t be possible without our growers and ranchers. Unfortunately, things are tough for hardworking families in our state right now as prices keep rising and natural disasters cause mass losses of crops and livestock. I know Florida’s agricultural communities have been laser focused on hurricane recovery following Hurricanes Ian and Idalia—and I’m fighting to make sure they get all the disaster relief they deserve. I’m working on several bills, like my Federal Disaster Responsibility Act, to help support our growers and ranchers and ensure our Florida agriculture industry has all the resources and help it needs to recover from the many challenges they have faced in the last several years. I’ve been fighting to support Florida’s agricultural community and will continue to do so by securing big wins for our growers and ranchers in the Farm Bill that make sure the federal government is a partner, not another layer of burdensome bureaucracy. I want to thank Commissioner Simpson for his efforts in Florida and support of my Federal Disaster Responsibility Act. We must continue working together with our local, state and federal partners to ensure all Floridians get the assistance they deserve.”

Senator Scott’s Federal Disaster Responsibility Act includes:

  • Fully funding the immediate needs of FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund with at least $16.5 billion to ensure the federal government can uphold its obligation to quickly deploy emergency funding and resources to communities and Americans impacted by natural disasters. This exceeds what the Biden administration has said is needed to respond to recent disasters, including those in Florida and Hawaii.
  • Ensuring final passage of the bipartisan Block Grant Assistance Act which provides needed authority for the U.S. Department of Agriculture to issue block grants to Florida’s citrus growers, Georgia’s peach growers and all U.S. agriculture producers devastated by natural disasters in 2022.
  • Securing final passage of an expanded version of the Hurricane Tax Relief Act, which takes care of Americans impacted by disasters by providing disaster-loss tax relief to families who have been impacted by qualified disasters for purposes of enhanced disaster casualty loss tax relief. This would apply across the nation and include relief for taxpayers in Hawaii, California, Illinois, Florida and others. This bill modifies the deduction for personal casualty losses in the hurricane disaster areas, waiving the requirements for impacted taxpayers to itemize deductions and to have losses that exceed 10% of adjusted gross income. Congress previously extended this tax relief for hurricanes Irma, Wilma, Dorian, and Michael, amongst others.
  • Committing necessary funds and resources to Florida’s military installations to fully rebuild and recover from hurricane damage.

Read more HERE.

Florida Agriculture Commissioner Announces Support for Sen. Rick Scott’s Federal Disaster Responsibility Act

On September 7th, following Senator Rick Scott’s introduction of his Federal Disaster Responsibility Act to provide emergency relief for natural disasters, Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Wilton Simpson issued the following statement supporting the legislation. This bill, which Senator Scott first announced the details of last week following the devastating landfall of major Category 3 Hurricane Idalia in Florida’s Big Bend, will ensure Florida families and all Americans facing emergencies following natural disasters are taken care of. Senator Marco Rubio joined as a cosponsor of the bill and Congresswoman Kat Cammack is leading the companion legislation in the House of Representatives.

Florida Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services Wilton Simpson said, “Florida’s agriculture community suffered more than a billion dollars in damage and losses during last year’s hurricane season, and they are now recovering from the devastating impacts of Hurricane Idalia. I applaud Senator Scott, Senator Rubio, and Representative Cammack for bringing forward this critical piece of legislation that puts hardworking Americans first. The Federal Disaster Responsibility Act will ensure the final passage of the Block Grant Assistance Act, which will give the support and relief needed for our agricultural industry to recover from devastating natural disasters. It will also secure an expanded version of the Hurricane Tax Relief Act, that will provide disaster-loss tax relief to families impacted by hurricanes.”

On September 2nd, Senator Scott met with President Biden and urged him to support the passage of his Federal Disaster Responsibility Act. In both his meeting with President Biden, and in a letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senator Scott has been clear that the Senate should not play games with disaster relief funds and believes that helping Americans should not be contingent on aid for foreign causes.

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune: President Biden has abandoned Florida’s citrus growers. I’m fighting for them

In case you missed it, Senator Rick Scott wrote an op-ed for the Sarasota Herald-Tribune highlighting his efforts to make Washington work for Florida’s citrus industry as the Biden administration has turned a blind eye and abandoned Florida’s growers following last year’s hurricane season. In the op-ed, Senator Scott urges the Biden administration and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to immediately distribute disaster aid funds to citrus growers in need, and support his Block Grant Assistant Act.

Read the full op-ed in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune HERE. Read more HERE.











111 N. Adams Street, Suite 208
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: (850) 942-8415
415 Clematis Street, Suite 201
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: (561) 514-0189
801 North Florida Avenue, Suite 421
Tampa, FL 33602
Phone: (813) 225-7040
1 Courthouse Square, Suite 300
Kissimmee, FL 34741
Phone: (407) 586-7879
221 Palafox Place, Suite 420
Pensacola, FL 32502
Phone: (850) 760-5151
901 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 505
Miami, FL 33134
Phone: (786) 501-7141
3299 Tamiami Trail East, #106
Naples, FL 34112
Phone: (239) 231-7890
400 West Bay Street, Suite 289
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone: (904) 479-7227
225 East Robinson Street, Suite 410
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: (407) 872-7161
110 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5274
Fax: (202) 228-4535

The post Sen Rick Scott: I Will Not Stop Fighting for Florida’s Ag Community appeared first on Republican Men's Club of Collier County.

Sen. Rick Scott Hosts Statewide ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’ Wed, 20 Sep 2023 20:10:32 +0000 Sen. Rick Scott Hosts Statewide ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’ to Highlight His Actions to Protect Florida’s Families Dear Fellow Floridian, Last month, I had the opportunity to travel to across […]

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Sen. Rick Scott Hosts Statewide ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’ to Highlight His Actions to Protect Florida’s Families
Dear Fellow Floridian,

Last month, I had the opportunity to travel to across the Sunshine State and hear from parents and their community leaders about what they are most focused on when it comes to raising their families. Parents know what is best for their children and keeping them safe is my top priority.

Unfortunately, the fentanyl crisis continues to rage, AI has started to creep into our kids’ lives, the border is wide open and I hear from parents that they’re constantly worried about their children—it is time to act. That is why I have introduced extensive legislation that keeps our kids safe and healthy, holds Big Tech accountable and secures our border to combat human trafficking and stop the flow of fentanyl into our communities.

We need to build a world that they are safe to grow up and go to school in. My School Guardian Act and Luke and Alex School Safety Act bolster school safety measures in order to protect our kids, their teachers and our school communities throughout Florida and the nation. Fighting for and passing these bills will give parents the comfort of waking up, dropping their kids off at school and feeling reassured that they will return home every single day. We can all agree we must do everything we can to keep our kids safe at school, home and online. We’ve made progress, but I won’t stop fighting until we get this all done.






Rick Scott

United States Senator


Read more about Senator Scott’s proposals HERE.

See more from his Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour stops in Pensacola, Ruskin, Fleming Island, DeLand, West Palm Beach, North Miami Beach and Lecanto HERE or below.

Sen. Rick Scott Kicks Off Statewide ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’ by Highlighting His Actions to Protect Florida’s Families



On August 8th, Senator Rick Scott kicked off his ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’ in North Miami Beach at Yeshiva Toras Chaim Toras Emes.

Sen. Rick Scott Visits West Palm Beach to Host ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe’ Tour Stop to Highlight His Actions to Protect Florida’s Families



Senator Rick Scott continued his ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’ and visited West Palm Beach to host a roundtable with law enforcement and community leaders at the Cox Science Center and Aquarium.

Sen. Rick Scott Visits Clay County on ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’ to Highlight His Actions to Protect Florida’s Familie



Senator Rick Scott visited the Clay County Sheriff’s Office for a press conference as part of his ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour.’

Sen. Rick Scott Visits DeLand on ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’ to Highlight His Actions to Protect Florida’s Families



Senator Rick Scott continued his ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’ visited the Lacey Family/Spring Hill Boys & Girls Club in DeLand for a roundtable discussion with community leaders.

Sen. Rick Scott Visits Ruskin on ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’ to Highlight His Actions to Protect Florida’s Families



Senator Rick Scott visited Ruskin for a roundtable at the Literacy Leadership Academy South Bay as part of his ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’ to highlight his commitment to protecting Florida kids and families.

Sen. Rick Scott Visits Ft. Myers on ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’ to Highlight His Actions to Protect Florida’s Families



Senator Rick Scott visited Bishop Verot Catholic High School in Ft. Myers as part of his ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’ and hosted a round table with law enforcement and community leaders.

Sen. Rick Scott Visits Pensacola on ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’ to Highlight His Actions to Protect Florida’s Families



Senator Rick Scott visited the National Flight Academy at NAS Pensacola for a roundtable as part of his ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’ to hear from families and local leaders about making Washington work to keep families safe.

Sen. Rick Scott Visits Citrus County on ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’ to Highlight His Actions to Protect Florida’s Families



Senator Rick Scott concluded his ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’ with a visit to Lecanto for a roundtable at the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office.












111 N. Adams Street, Suite 208
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: (850) 942-8415
415 Clematis Street, Suite 201
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: (561) 514-0189
801 North Florida Avenue, Suite 421
Tampa, FL 33602
Phone: (813) 225-7040
1 Courthouse Square, Suite 300
Kissimmee, FL 34741
Phone: (407) 586-7879
221 Palafox Place, Suite 420
Pensacola, FL 32502
Phone: (850) 760-5151
901 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 505
Miami, FL 33134
Phone: (786) 501-7141
3299 Tamiami Trail East, #106
Naples, FL 34112
Phone: (239) 231-7890
400 West Bay Street, Suite 289
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone: (904) 479-7227
225 East Robinson Street, Suite 410
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: (407) 872-7161
110 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5274
Fax: (202) 228-4535

The post Sen. Rick Scott Hosts Statewide ‘Keeping Our Kids Safe Tour’ appeared first on Republican Men's Club of Collier County.
