(Private VIP Reception Available, see below the narrative)
Thanks to our Diamond Sponsors Life in Naples Magazine and Bowling Management
Decorated U.S. military veteran-turned-country musician Keni Thomas gives a personal account of his heart-wrenching experiences in the chaotic 1993 Battle of Mogadishu to express a unique set of leadership lessons and inspired view of our greater purpose, and how we can apply these lessons in everyday life.
In the summer of 93, Sgt. Keni Thomas was deployed to Mogadishu Somalia 3rd Ranger Battalion as part of a special operations team called “Task Force Ranger.” Their mission was to find and capture a criminal warlord named Mohammed Farrah Aideed. On the 3rd of Oct Sgt. Thomas and his fellow rangers distinguished themselves in an 18 hour fire fight that would later be recounted in the highly successful book and movie “Blackhawk Down.” 19 Americans died and 78 were wounded in the worst urban combat seen by US troops since WWII.
SSG Thomas stayed in the Army for 3 more years as a team leader for a six-man ranger reconnaissance team. He earned his master parachutist rating with over 400 military free fall jumps. He completed the Special Forces Combat Diver course, Advanced EMT, Army HALO School, Pathfinder school, earned British, Belgian and Thailand Parachute wings and was one of ten Americans to complete the Belgium Commando Course.
Keni got out of the Army and now works full time as an award winning Nashville recording artist. His band Cornbread was featured in the movie Sweet Home Alabama and regularly tours with the USO.
Keni has been recognized by the US Congress, the White House, and recently inducted into the VFW Hall of Fame for his dedicated work on behalf of our veterans and military families. His new book “Get it On!” is already a best seller and is an incredible story of extraordinary individuals and how lessons learned under fire can inspire us all on a day to day basis.
Keni is also very proud to be a national spokesperson for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, which provides college educations to the children of our special operations personnel killed in combat or training.
Keni is a graduate of the University of Florida, a recipient of the Combat Infantrymen’s Badge and the bronze star for valor.
Cost: $35
Breakfast Begins at 7:15 am and program starting promptly at 8 am.
To Register – Click Here
First 50 Non Member Veterans complimentary with RSVP – Click Here for free registration
Proceeds to support the clubs scholarship and community outreach programs.
Sponsorship Packages are Available – See Below Videos, or click here
All sponsorship packages include a Private VIP reception with Keni Thomas. The reception will include a free book, book signings, photo opportunities and free hors d’oeuvres. The reception will be held immediately following the program.
Watch the Bio Video Below:
Watch a Sample Talk Below:
Sponsorship Package
Diamond Sponsor Package
Sold to Life In Naples Magazine and Bowland
- Reserved Table of 8 with speaker Keni Thomas
- 8 Signed Copies of Book
- 8 VIP Reception Tickets
- Main sponsor recognition on future promotional efforts including website and additional promotional material.
- Table Signage
- Special Feature Mention in Slide Show and promotional booklet
Gold Sponsor Package
Sold to Steve Adamczyk (GADC) and Andy Solis Re-Election Campaign
- 4 Reserved Table tickets with signage
- 4 Signed Copies of Book
- 4 VIP Reception Tickets
- Table Signage
- Featured Mention in Slide Show and promotional booklet
Silver Sponsor Package
Sold to Avow, Jim Burke, Erick Carter, Randy Cash, Neil Curly, Tom Donahue, Chad Gillenwater, Pete Koenig, Shawn Khan, Herbert McCord, Frank Senisnsky, Charles Sues, John Thomas, Kathleen Passidomo and Bob Naegele.
- 2 Reserved Table tickets
- 2 Signed Copies of Book
- 2 VIP Reception Tickets
- Table Signage
- Featured Mention in Slide Show and promotional booklet