Florida GOP Announces Republican Gains for September

With all the chaos occurring across the world and the focus on the back & forth of the Speakers race back home, I have some great news to share about the Republican Party back here in Florida.

Little background…On August 1st, the Florida Democrat Party launched and hyped a $1 Million statewide voter registration effort.

We had been curious how their efforts would impact the state voter registration numbers and with the state releasing the official numbers today, I will share there was an impact on voter registration… As The REPUBLICAN PARTY continued to EXPAND our voter registration lead by adding another 37,588 to our margin from September 1st to September 30th. Embarrassing for the Democrats, but well deserved considering just how vile and radical the Democrat Party has become. Read below for the full story of where Florida is trending!

-Christian Ziegler
Chairman of the Republican Party of Florida

Florida GOP’s Voter Registration Surge Dominates, Leaving Democrats in the Dust!

In under five years, the political landscape of Florida has been transformed. In September alone, the Republican Party of Florida added another 37,588 to our voter registration advantage, bringing our lead over Democrats to 626,518 as of September 30. This isn’t just a shift; it’s a seismic movement. Florida doesn’t merely lean red; it radiates a deep, darker red.


“It’s evident that the Democrat Party is on the path to extinction in our state, and their recent initiatives, such as the ‘Take Back Florida’ campaign, seem more like a $1 million can of snake oil sold to their donors, rather than genuine outreach.

Despite the noise, the clear message is that Floridians cannot distance themselves fast enough from the radical Democrat Party. Why? Well, it turns out that allowing the invasion of our country from the south while indoctrinating, sexualizing & mutilating children as prominent members of their party carry Hamas’ water just isn’t popular in our state, and the monumental swing of 956,946 voter registrations toward the GOP since 2016 proves that.

This shift in voter registration is good news not just for us today but for my daughters’ generation as we further continue to establish a sanctuary of sanity and freedom here in Florida. With that said – while the momentum is no doubt on our side, there’s no room for complacency, and The Republican Party cannot relax until every Democrat is out of office and no Democrat considers running for office in Florida.” – Christian Ziegler, FloridaGOP Chairman.