Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review




Dear Fellow Floridian,

As I travel the state to talk to Florida families, inflation is the number one thing that comes up.

The unfortunate reality is that Bidenomics in action means another month of rising inflationthat continues to hurt Floridians. Recently, I heard from a first responder in Southwest Florida who told me, ‘… gas money to and from work is outrageous, and the cost of food has increased substantially. All of this makes it unaffordable to both live and work in Southwest Florida. I am unable to buy a home in the community that I serve…’ I also heard from an 82-year-old Floridian struggling in retirement because of Biden’s skyrocketing inflation crisis. As someone on a fixed income, who saved their whole life for retirement, she can barely make ends meet while already on a frugal budget. She wrote, ‘We elderly do not expect to live high on the hog. We are from the generation that learned to be frugal, but we can’t even afford do that now.’

On top of soaring prices from Biden’s inflation crisis, countless Florida families recovering from Hurricane Ian and Idalia are now facing other challenges as they recover and rebuild.

It’s heartbreaking to hear this from any Floridian and especially infuriating to hear it from someone who is putting their safety at risk to serve others or a family working to recover from devastating hurricanes.

Florida families need relief from Democrats’ spending spree and sky rocketing inflation and they need it NOW. As Congress considers yet another spending package, I’ll be fighting like hell to force Washington back to fiscal sanity and ensure Floridians get theresources they need from their federal government to recover.

To read more about my fight to Make Washington Work for you, click HERE. For a robust guide of the federal resources available to Floridians recovering from Hurricane Idalia, click HERE.



Rick Scott

United States Senator

P.S. Sunday, September 17th, is the LAST DAY to apply for a U.S. Military Service Academy Nomination this year. Click HERE to apply. 

To be the first to find out about Senator Scott’s actions and statements, follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

See more of what Senator Scott has been up to this week below.


Sen. Rick Scott: We Will Never Forget

On the 22nd anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks, Senator Rick Scott released the following statement and video to remember and honor the Americans lost on that tragic day in 2001.

Senator Rick Scott said, “It has been 22 years since the devastating terrorist attack that shook the United States. I was in New York City on September 11, 2001, and saw the terror and devastation inflicted on our nation. The tragedy continues each and every day for the survivors, first responders and families of the victims. As we remember the lives we lost too soon during that horrific act of terror, I wish to extend my condolences and prayers for those mourning the loss of their loved ones this Patriot Day. The United States will always stand for freedom, democracy and opportunity. That will never be taken from us, and we will never forget.”

Watch the full video HERE.

WHAT THEY ARE SAYING… Sen. Rick Scott’s Disaster Relief Bill Garners Support From Florida’s Sheriffs, Counties & Leaders

Earlier this month, following the devastating landfall of major Category 3 Hurricane Idalia, Senator Rick Scott introduced his Federal Disaster Responsibility Act to provide emergency relief for natural disasters, deliver support to America’s growers and ranchers and authorize tax cuts for disaster losses. Senator Marco Rubio joined as a cosponsor of the bill and Congresswoman Kat Cammack is leading the companion legislation in the House of Representatives.

Senator Scott’s proposal has been endorsed by Florida Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services Wilton Simpson, the Florida Association of Counties, and the Florida Sheriffs Association.

Florida Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services Wilton Simpson said, “Florida’s agriculture community suffered more than a billion dollars in damage and losses during last year’s hurricane season, and they are now recovering from the devastating impacts of Hurricane Idalia. I applaud Senator Scott, Senator Rubio, and Representative Cammack for bringing forward this critical piece of legislation that puts hardworking Americans first. The Federal Disaster Responsibility Act will ensure the final passage of the Block Grant Assistance Act, which will give the support and relief needed for our agricultural industry to recover from devastating natural disasters. It will also secure an expanded version of the Hurricane Tax Relief Act, that will provide disaster-loss tax relief to families impacted by hurricanes.”

Florida Sheriffs Association President and Nassau County Sheriff Bill Leeper said, “Senator Rick Scott and Florida’s leaders are commonly the first to act when it comes to responding to natural disasters because they know the impact of the devastation all too well. The Federal Disaster Responsibility Act will ensure that we are addressing disaster relief and recovery efforts so that essential resources are available to respond, recover, and rebuild.”

In a letter from the Florida Association of Counties, President Bill Truex wrote, “On behalf of the Florida Association of Counties representing Florida’s elected county commissioners, I am writing in support of the Federal Disaster Responsibility Act, which you and Senator Rubio have introduced in the U.S. Senate. We understand that Congresswoman Kat Cammack recently introduced the companion measure (H.R. 5343) in the U.S. House of Representatives…

“The substance and timing of the proposed legislation is critical to Florida. It ensures storm victims receive disaster relief. Additionally, the $16.5 billion included in the bill, which exceeds the Biden Administration’s request by $500 million, guarantees resources will be available for continued hurricane response, recovery, and rebuilding activities in our affected local communities. Moreover, in light of the agriculture losses from Hurricane Ian – estimated at $1.03 billion by the University of Florida – this legislation provides needed relief to a critical sector of Florida’s economy.

“In addition, we appreciate the language in Section 5 that limits the application of mandatory easements for shore protection projects when storm rehabilitation efforts are required. This important modification will ensure coastal communities, not only Florida but around the nation, can restore beaches ravaged by natural disasters with federal participation, move projects forward without delay, and provide needed protection before the next disaster.”

Read more HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott, Marco Rubio & Rep. Neal Dunn Introduce Bill to Honor Former FSU Coach Bobby Bowden

Senator Rick Scott announced the introduction of legislation in the U.S. Senate to award the late Florida State University (FSU) Football Coach Bobby Bowden, a legend and leader who passed away in 2021, with a Congressional Gold Medal for his contributions on and off the gridiron. Coach Bowden served as head coach of the FSU football team from 1976 to 2009. Coach Bowden’s teams at FSU won two national championships (1993 and 1999) and 12 Atlantic Coast Conference titles. Bowden posted a 316-97-4 record in his 34 years at FSU and was also widely revered for his humanitarian contributions. In 2011, he was awarded the ‘‘Children’s Champion Award for Leadership Development’’ by the Children’s Hunger Fund, and in 2004, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes organization began presenting an annual ‘‘The National Bobby Bowden Award’’ to a football player for their philanthropic work. Senator Marco Rubio is a cosponsor of the bill and Congressman Neal Dunn, M.D. is leading the companion legislation in the House of Representatives.

The Congressional Gold Medal seeks to honor those, individually or as a group, “who have performed an achievement that has an impact on American history and culture that is likely to be recognized as a major achievement in the recipient’s field long after the achievement.” It is Congress’ highest expression of national appreciation for distinguished achievements and contributions by individuals or institutions.

Senator Rick Scott said, “While Coach Bobby Bowden was a legend on the football field, it is the generations of students, athletes and countless others he led and served off the field, that will forever define his greatness as an extraordinary leader, Floridian and American. Coach Bowden will be forever a Seminole, forever a Floridian, and with this legislation forever honored and recognized by the United States Congress for his lifetime of service and leadership.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott on 0.6% Rise in Inflation Last Month: Bidenomics is Forcing Retirees Back into the Workforce

Following the latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) release from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Senator Rick Scott released the below statement highlighting the need to implement substantive fiscal reforms to end the ongoing inflation crisis fueled by the Biden administration’s reckless tax-and-spend agenda. August’s CPI data shows that there has been a significant rise in inflation during Biden’s presidency, with CPI increasing 0.6% last month and 3.7% over the year in August 2023. Since Biden took office, inflation is up 17.3%. If inflation continued to increase at this monthly rate, CPI would be at 7.4% annualized.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Bidenomics in action means another month of rising inflation that continues to hurt Floridians. As I travel the state to talk to Floridians, inflation is the number one thing that comes up. I recently heard from an 82-year-old Floridian struggling in retirement because of Biden’s skyrocketing inflation crisis. As someone on a fixed income, who saved their whole life for retirement, she can barely make ends meet while already on a frugal budget. She wrote, ‘We elderly do not expect to live high on the hog. We are from the generation that learned to be frugal, but we can’t even afford do that now.’ It’s real people like this Floridian who are struggling that I wish the president would listen to and care about. As Congress considers yet another spending package, I’ll be fighting like hell to force Washington back to fiscal sanity. Since 2019, our population has grown just 1.8% but the budget is up 55%. That’s unsustainable, fueling inflation and must end NOW.”

Read more HERE. 

Sen. Rick Scott Joins Sen. Rand Paul in Requesting Information on CIA Whistleblower Allegations Concerning COVID-19 Origins Investigation

Senator Rick Scott joined Senators Rand Paul, Lindsey Graham and Ron Johnson in sending a letter to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), William J. Burns, requesting information on the recent whistleblower allegations related to the CIA’s investigation into the origins of COVID-19.

According to a letter from the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (Select Subcommittee) and House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), a recent whistleblower testimony made by a senior-level CIA Officer contends that the Agency paid off six analysts that determined COVID-19 likely originated from a lab leak. The letter states that the CIA assigned seven officers with significant scientific expertise to a COVID Discovery Team. After their review, six of the seven members believed the intelligence and science available were sufficient to make a low-confidence assessment that COVID-19 originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. The letter asserts that the six members were given a significant monetary incentive to change their position, leading to the CIA’s public determination of uncertainty on COVID-19 origins.

“These allegations are deeply concerning and raise serious questions about the Agency’s investigation into the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic,” the senators wrote. “For this reason, we request you provide our offices with the following information no later than September 25, 2023.” 

Read more HERE. 

Sen. Rick Scott on PPI Inflation Report: Bidenomics is Ruining Floridians’ American Dream

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement following the latest Producer Price Index (PPI) release from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), which showed inflation continued to rise. Since Joe Biden became president, PPI has risen 17.6%.

Senator Rick Scott said, “With PPI inflation now up 17.6% since Joe Biden took office, small businesses across Florida have only one choice: raise prices or go under. That means that hardworking Florida families are continuing to suffer from high prices everywhere they go: the gas pump, the grocery store and their favorite local shop. It’s destroying their budgets and savings and making the American Dream nearly impossible to reach. I recently heard from a first responder in Southwest Florida who told me, ‘… gas money to and from work is outrageous, and the cost of food has increased substantially. All of this makes it unaffordable to both live and work in Southwest Florida. I am unable to buy a home in the community that I serve…’ It’s heartbreaking to hear this from any Floridian and especially infuriating to hear it from someone who is putting their safety at risk to serve others. As we work on government funding bills for the coming fiscal year, we have an opportunity to stop Washington’s reckless spending that keeps fueling inflation. I’m hell bent on getting that done and forcing Washington to finally work for Florida families.”

Read more HERE. 

Sen. Rick Scott Celebrates Third Anniversary of Abraham Accords

On the third anniversary of the signing of the Abraham Accords, Senator Rick Scott shared his Fox News op-ed, originally published on July 14, emphasizing the importance of Israel as America’s ally in the Middle East and the significance of the Accords in fostering peace throughout the region and beyond. Earlier this year, Senator Scott visited Israel, Bahrain and the UAE where he met with leaders, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In his op-ed, Senator Scott praises the progress achieved under the Abraham Accords and stresses the need for U.S. policy to be rooted in America’s security interests. Read more about Senator Scott’s visit to Israel HERE.

Read more HERE. 

VIDEO RELEASE Sen. Rick Scott Celebrates Florida’s Hispanic Communities During Hispanic Heritage Month


In recognition and celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, Senator Rick Scott released a video featuring Hispanic leaders and entrepreneurs from Florida’s Puerto Rican, Cuban, Venezuelan, Colombian, and Nicaraguan communities. In the video, Senator Scott highlights and celebrates the incredible people, stories, and contributions of the Hispanic community that have shaped Florida’s history and helped to make the Sunshine State an incredible melting pot and the best place in the nation to live, work and raise a family.

Senator Rick Scott said, “As we mark the first day of this special month, I want to highlight some of the many Hispanic Floridians, who with their hard work and dedication, have helped make Florida the best place in the country to live, work and visit. Their contributions have become icons in Florida, and everyone should know the story behind them. Thank you to the Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Colombians, Venezuelans, Nicaraguans, and the entire Hispanic community in Florida for demonstrating with actions the importance of fighting for freedom and democracy, for never resting until you achieve your dreams and for enriching our state with your wonderful culture. ¡Feliz Mes de la Herencia Hispana!”

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.

Sen. Rick Scott & Colleagues to President Biden: Deny Evil Regimes’ Visa Requests for UN General Assembly

Senator Rick Scott led two letters with his colleagues to President Biden demanding that his administration deny visas for Cuban dictator Miguel Díaz-Canel, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and their staff to attend the United Nations General Assembly in September.

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation Crisis

Senator Rick Scott released a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation following the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) releasing Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Producer Price Index (PPI) numbers for August, which showed inflation continued to rise. Since Joe Biden became president, CPI has risen 17.3% and PPI has risen 17.6%.

Earlier this week, following the latest CPI announcement by the BLS, Senator Scott released the following statement.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Bidenomics in action means another month of rising inflation that continues to hurt Floridians. As I travel the state to talk to Floridians, inflation is the number one thing that comes up. I recently heard from an 82-year-old Floridian struggling in retirement because of Biden’s skyrocketing inflation crisis. As someone on a fixed income, who saved their whole life for retirement, she can barely make ends meet while already on a frugal budget. She wrote, ‘We elderly do not expect to live high on the hog. We are from the generation that learned to be frugal, but we can’t even afford do that now.’ It’s real people like this Floridian who are struggling that I wish the president would listen to and care about. As Congress considers yet another spending package, I’ll be fighting like hell to force Washington back to fiscal sanity. Since 2019, our population has grown just 1.8% but the budget is up 55%. That’s unsustainable, fueling inflation and must end NOW.”

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.


Sen. Rick Scott in the Palm Beach Post: Replenish FEMA but don’t tie that to Ukraine Aid

Following the Palm Beach Post’s September 6th opinion piece that advocated for pairing Ukraine funding with disaster funding following the landfall of Major Category 3 Hurricane Idalia in Florida, Senator Rick Scott responded with a letter to the editor reiterating his call to keep the two separate and the need for Congress to immediately pass his Federal Disaster Responsibility Act.

Last week, Senator Scott introduced his Federal Disaster Responsibility Act to provide emergency relief for natural disasters, following the devastating landfall of major Category 3 Hurricane Idalia in Florida’s Big Bend. This bill will ensure Florida families, agricultural communities and all Americans facing hardships following natural disasters are taken care of. Senator Marco Rubio joined as a cosponsor of the bill and Congresswoman Kat Cammack is leading the companion legislation in the House of Representatives.

In the letter to the editor, Senator Rick Scott wrote:

“I’m glad to see the Editorial Board agree (Sept. 6) that Washington needs to stop playing politics and pass a bill that fully funds FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund (DRF) now – something I discussed personally with President Biden when I met him in Live Oak last weekend. I, along with Senator Marco Rubio, have been fighting to get this done for months – long before Hurricane Idalia devastated the Big Bend as a major Category 3 storm – but it’s even more important now. However, the Editorial Board is mistaken in its assumption that it would be easier and better if every other member of Congress just passed President Biden’s funding proposal, including the $40 billion in foreign aid for Ukraine he is requesting. Not true at all.

“While the president’s proposal is far from being widely embraced and accepted in Congress, every major provision of our Federal Disaster Responsibility Act has been previously passed by Congress in response to a hurricane. The president’s proposal funds FEMA’s DRF at $16 billion, which is $500 million less than the $16.5 billion that our bill authorizes, and it does not include the other, critically important measures contained in our Federal Disaster Responsibility Act. After Hurricanes Irma and Michael, Congress gave growers access to block grants to make sure our agriculture industry had the resources needed to recover. Doing this again in our bill by passing the Block Grant Assistance Act would help growers in Florida, Georgia, California and Illinois. The president’s proposal does not include this.

“Unlike the president’s proposal, our bill would also pass the Hurricane Tax Relief Act, providing tax cuts for losses suffered in disasters. This would apply across the nation and include relief for taxpayers in New York, Hawaii, California, Illinois, Florida and others. Congress previously extended this tax relief following storms like Hurricanes Irma, Wilma, Dorian, and Michael. Finally, unlike the president’s proposal, our Federal Disaster Responsibility Act commits necessary funds and resources to America’s military installations to fully rebuild and recover from hurricane damage.

Funding for Ukraine should NEVER be paired with disaster relief for American families. We need to put American families first and immediately pass the Federal Disaster Responsibility Act.”

Read the letter to the editor in the Palm Beach Post HERE.

NBC: Sen. Rick Scott: Americans ‘will never forgive’ Biden if he pardons Hunter

Newsmax: Rick Scott Pushing to Shift Pharmaceutical Production Away From China

Daily Caller: GOP Senator Teams Up With Elizabeth Warren To Sound The Alarm On ‘Compromised’ Fed Official

The Hill: Rick Scott marks ‘Bald is Beautiful Day’ by welcoming Mike Lee into the club

Breitbart: Rick Scott: ‘Unbelievable’ Senate Democrats Holding Disaster Relief Hostage for Ukraine Aid

Okeechobee News: Scott asks officials, public to speak out against hate

The Floridian: Scott Demands Answers on CIA Bribing Agents Over COVID Origin

The Floridian: Rubio and Scott File Bill to Expand Florida’s Miccosukee Reserved Area

Florida Daily: Wilton Simpson Backs Rick Scott’s, Kat Cammack’s Disaster Relief Proposal

Florida Daily: Florida Congressional Republicans: Proposed Critical Habit for Rice’s Whale Must Not Impact Gulf Testing and Training Range

Florida Daily: Rick Scott, Neal Dunn Want to Honor Bobby Bowden With Congressional Gold Medal 


Senator Scott’s Team in Naples

Senator Scott’s team attended the Collier County Sheriff’s Office 9/11 Memorial Ceremony in Naples.


Senator Scott’s Team in Orlando

Senator Scott’s team also attended the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Central Florida iLatina Leadership Summit Gala in Orlando.


Senator Scott’s Team in Bradenton

Another event Senator Scott’s team attended was the Tribute to Heroes Memorial Ceremony in Bradenton.


Senator Scott’s Team in Miami

Senator Scott’s team also celebrated with Israel’s Consul General and South Florida Elected Officials for the kickoff of Rosh Hashanah.







