Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review

This week, Senator Rick Scott led Senators Ron Johnson, Cynthia Lummis, Roger Marshall and Mike Lee to introduce the Prevent Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandates for Interstate Commerce Act. As the Biden administration is reportedly considering enforcing vaccine mandates for businesses merely seeking to engage in interstate commerce, the Prevent Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandates for Interstate Commerce Act would protect the privacy of Americans’ personal health information and prohibit the Department of Transportation and other federal agencies from requiring proof of vaccination or the use of a vaccine passport for such activities. Representative Dan Crenshaw introduced companion legislation in the House of Representatives.

Senator Scott went to the Senate floor to pass his bill and stop Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandates from hurting hardworking U.S. businesses, but Senate Democrats blocked it. See more in the video HERE or below:

See more of what Senator Scott has been up to this week below.

Sen. Rick Scott to Pentagon Leaders: Why on Earth Would You Leave Afghanistan While Stranding Americans?

Senator Rick Scott questioned Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley and Commander of U.S. Central Command General Kenneth McKenzie in a hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee on President Biden’s failed withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Under the ‘leadership’ of President Biden, it has become the policy of the U.S. military to abandon Americans behind enemy lines. Secretary Austin admitted as much today saying that this was Biden’s plan all along. That’s unacceptable to me, to American families, and to our allies across the world. But, of course, Biden won’t accept responsibility. President Biden has blamed everyone but himself for his botched withdrawal of Afghanistan. He’s blamed previous administrations. He’s blamed the people of Afghanistan. People in his White House are even blaming our own military. We need to be clear – President Biden is solely responsible for his tragic failure in Afghanistan. The president’s misguided decisions and flawed leadership caused the loss of 13 U.S. service members, and left American citizens, our allies and billions of dollars of equipment behind enemy lines in the hands of a terrorist organization. Today’s hearing delivered few answers and raised new questions about Biden’s lack of strategy in Afghanistan. I’ll never stop fighting to hold Biden and his administration accountable to the American people.” See Senator Scott’s first and second line of questioning HERE and HERE, or in the videos below:

Sen. Rick Scott Calls on Colleagues to Pass No Budget, No Pay Proposal

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement ahead of the Senate’s consideration of his and Senator Mike Braun’s No Budget, No Pay proposal. This common-sense No Budget, No Pay proposal requires members of Congress to do their job and work together to pass a budget and meet appropriations bill deadlines, or forgo their own salaries until the job is done.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Americans are sick and tired of Washington’s dysfunction hurting our families, causing economic chaos and inflation with wasteful spending, and government shutdowns that leave members of our Armed Services without paychecks. Families in Florida and across America deserve better. When hardworking Floridians fail at their job, they don’t get a paycheck. Why should Congress live in an alternate reality? If Congress fails at one of its most basic duties – passing a budget – our members shouldn’t get a taxpayer-funded paycheck. Period. Our No Budget, No Pay proposal simply holds Congress accountable and to the exact same standard as the families we proudly represent. I urge all of my colleagues to support this common-sense measure.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: We Will Not Allow Vaccine Mandates to Hurt American Businesses

Senator Rick Scott was joined by Senators Ron Johnson, Cynthia Lummis, Roger Marshall and Mike Lee to introduce the Prevent Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandates for Interstate Commerce Act. As the Biden administration is reportedly considering enforcing vaccine mandates for businesses merely seeking to engage in interstate commerce, the Prevent Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandates for Interstate Commerce Act would protect the privacy of Americans’ personal health information and prohibit the Department of Transportation and other federal agencies from requiring proof of vaccination or the use of a vaccine passport for such activities. Representative Dan Crenshaw is introducing companion legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Senator Rick Scott said, “While American businesses are working hard to recover from the devastating impacts of COVID-19, President Biden is set on implementing more mandates, lockdowns and restrictions that are holding them back. I got the COVID-19 vaccine, and encourage everyone who feels comfortable to get it too, but government has no business pushing mandates on the American people and our hardworking businesses. It’s the government’s job to inform Americans and then let every family make the right choices that will keep themselves, their businesses and their employees safe. My Prevent Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandates for Interstate Commerce Act ensures that the Biden administration cannot require anyone to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination to do business across state borders, and protects Americans’ rights and privacy.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott to Microsoft: Why Are You Censoring American Journalists on Behalf of Communist China?

Senator Rick Scott wrote a letter to Microsoft Corporation CEO Satya Nadella and LinkedIn CEO Ryan Roslansky demanding answers after LinkedIn censored the accounts of three American journalists, Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian with Axios, Melissa Chan with VICE NEWS and freelance reporter Greg Bruno in compliance with the wishes of the Chinese Communist Party. Communist China continues to perpetrate a genocide against Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang and censor those who speak out against its human rights abuses. Microsoft and LinkedIn’s decision to sensor these journalists follows a similarly disturbing move by Kodak to remove images from its Instagram page highlighting Communist China’s atrocities and issue an apology to the Chinese Communist Party. Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Demands Answers from Sec. Mayorkas on Efforts to Protect Homeland Amid Biden’s National Security Crises

Senator Rick Scott wrote a letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas demanding answers on the Department’s ability to protect and defend the United States following the Biden’s administration failed policies that led to a disastrous and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan and have created a growing humanitarian and national security crisis at the southern border. Senator Scott is focused on ensuring DHS is taking all necessary steps to protect Americans and the homeland from the national security crises created by the Biden administration’s failed leadership and dangerous policies. Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Joins Sen. Risch, Colleagues to Introduce Afghanistan Counterterrorism, Oversight, and Accountability Act

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Jim Risch and 21 other colleagues to introduce the Afghanistan Counterterrorism, Oversight, and Accountability Act. The bill would sanction the Taliban and other leaders in Afghanistan for terrorism, request a review of foreign assistance to entities that support the Taliban, and establish a State Department task force to help rescue American citizens, legal permanent residents, and those with Special Immigrant Visas who were left in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan by President Biden. Read more from Senator Risch’s office HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott, Marco Rubio Demand Information from HHS on Failure to Provide Life-Saving COVID-19 Treatments

Senators Rick Scott and Marco Rubio wrote a letter to Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra demanding answers after HHS restricted the availability of monoclonal antibody treatments for hospitals in Florida and other states. Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Joins Sen. Rubio, Colleagues in Introducing Bill to Reverse Biden Decision to Ration Antibody Treatments

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Rubio and colleagues in introducing the Treatment Restoration for Emergency Antibody Therapeutics (TREAT) Act which would stop the Department of Health and Human Services from restricting hospitals and healthcare facilities’ access to life-saving COVID-19 monoclonal antibody (mAb) treatments. This follows a recent decision by the Biden Administration to implement a policy that capped the amount of mAb treatments a state could receive.

Senator Rick Scott said, “As our nation works to fully recover from and end the coronavirus pandemic, we must ensure that Americans have access to all options for treatment and prevention, including the COVID-19 vaccine and proven monoclonal antibody treatments. The Biden administration’s recent decision to implement restrictions on monoclonal antibody doses — making it harder for Floridians to receive this life-saving treatment – is unacceptable and unethical. When lives are at stake, no resources should be intentionally held back by the Biden administration through dangerous political games. I’m proud to join Senator Rubio in introducing the TREAT Act to make sure Florida receives effective COVID-19 treatments. I won’t accept anything less.” Read more from Senator Rubio’s office HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Joins Sen. Peters and Langevin Applauding Full Passage of Bipartisan Bill to Help Protect K-12 School Systems from Cyber-Attacks, Heads to President to be Signed into Law

Senator Rick Scott applauded the bipartisan final passage in the House of Representatives of his K-12 Cybersecurity Act. The bill, which puts protections in place to keep school-aged children and their institutions safe online, has already passed the Senate and now heads to the President’s desk to be signed.

Senator Rick Scott said, “We must do everything possible to protect the safety of every American student — and as we move to an increasingly digital world, this includes the safety of their personal information online. The K-12 Cybersecurity Act will ensure our schools have the resources they need to bolster cybersecurity and protect our K-12 students, educators, employees, and their families. I am proud of my colleagues in the Senate and House for coming together to pass this valuable legislation and look forward to it becoming law.” Read more from the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation Crisis

Senator Rick Scott released a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation following the announcement that the Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) price index increased 4.3 percent from one year ago—a clear indication that Democrats’ reckless, wasteful spending agenda is only further fueling President Biden’s raging inflation crisis.

Senator Rick Scott said, “When will this administration wake up and realize how hard they are making it for everyday Americans to make ends meet? Families are struggling to put food on the table, put gas in their cars and buy everyday goods each week. Each month we have seen prices go up hurting more and more families in Florida and across the nation. How do Democrats respond? By arguing to push the debt ceiling to unimaginable levels so they can ram through more reckless spending that will only further fuel Biden’s raging inflation crisis. I have heard from struggling families all across Florida about how they can’t afford to live the same way they did a year ago because of higher prices. As inflation continues to increase and incomes stay the same, it is our poorest families, like mine growing up, that are hurt the most and unable to keep up. It’s time for Joe Biden and Democrats in Washington to wake up, stop this dangerous spending spree and work with Republicans to get our house back in order.” Read more HERE.

El Senador Rick Scott en el Orlando Sentinel: Esto es lo que significa la crisis de la deuda de los demócratas para las familias de Florida

El Senador Rick Scott escribió un artículo de opinión para el Orlando Sentinel explicando la razón por la que los republicanos del Senado no apoyarán el aumento del límite de la deuda ni excusarán el gasto masivo de los demócratas, que ya está perjudicando a las familias al promover una crisis inflacionaria. La deuda de Estados Unidos es de casi $ 30 BILLONES. Bajo la imprudente propuesta de impuestos y gastos elaborada por el socialista Bernie Sanders, el gasto demócrata aumentaría la deuda federal en más de $ 15 BILLONES, llevándola a $ 45 BILLONES para 2031.

En el artículo de opinión, el Senador Rick Scott escribió: “En 2019, el Congreso votó a favor de suspender el límite de la deuda, dejando que el gobierno federal acumulara una deuda ilimitada durante dos años. Ahora, la suspensión del límite de la deuda ha expirado y los demócratas del Congreso están presentando esto como un punto de decisión con solo dos opciones: votar para suspender el límite de la deuda nuevamente o aumentarlo.

Los republicanos no lo toleraremos. A medida que el gasto demócrata se descontrola, no votaremos para rescatarlos y emitir más cheques en blanco para ahogarnos en deudas, aumentar el gasto por los intereses de los Estados Unidos y alimentar una crisis inflacionaria que ya está afectando a familias en Florida. Es hora de que los demócratas se responsabilicen por la crisis de deuda que crearon.

El gasto imprudente tiene consecuencias, como el aumento de la inflación y el aumento del gasto por los intereses del gobierno. Recientemente, mi oficina escuchó de una familia en Kissimmee que está sintiendo los impactos de la inflación de primera mano. Les está costando más poner la comida en la mesa y mantener su vehículo. Esa es la consecuencia de este camino irresponsable y peligroso en el que están los demócratas.

Con las tasas de interés en mínimos históricos, el gobierno de los EE. UU. ya está gastando casi $ 345 mil millones anuales en intereses. En lugar de financiar la infraestructura, la defensa o el medio ambiente, casi $ 345 mil millones solo están pagando intereses, lo que proporciona un rendimiento nulo a las familias estadounidenses. A medida que la deuda crece, esto solo empeora.

¿Cómo puede el Congreso justificar eso? Ninguna familia o empresa seguiría gastando más si no puede pagar las facturas que ya tiene. En el mundo real, no es la cantidad de cheques que tiene en su chequera, es cuánto dinero le queda en el banco. Pero para los demócratas del Congreso, se trata de gastar hasta que se acaben los cheques, ignorar las advertencias de sobregiro y luego pedir más.

Es hora de mostrar al Presidente Biden, Bernie Sanders y los liberales de extrema izquierda que la crisis de la deuda demócrata tiene consecuencias peligrosas que están desperdiciando los dólares de los impuestos ganados con tanto esfuerzo por las familias de Florida. No nos quedaremos sentados y dejaremos que destruyan nuestra nación. Seguiré luchando todos los días para poner a nuestra nación en un camino exitoso y asegurarme de que nuestras generaciones futuras tengan todas las oportunidades para vivir el sueño americano”.

Lea el artículo de opinión completo en el Orlando Sentinel AQUÍ.

Fox News: Rick Scott rips Dems’ ‘disgusting’ spending bills: ‘They’re bankrupting this country’

Fox News: GOP Senators introduce bill to block federal agencies from requiring COVID-19 vaccination

Axios: First look: Rick Scott probes LinkedIn, Microsoft on censoring U.S. journalists in China

Fox News: Senate GOP stop Democrats from pushing to raise debt ceiling

The Federalist: Republicans Seek To Ban Biden’s Vaccine Mandate From Interstate Commerce

The Hill: Florida senators rebuke Mexican president for receiving Cuban, Venezuelan leaders

Fox Business: Florida sues Biden admin for ‘illegal’ immigration policies

Newsmax: Sen. Scott Questions LinkedIn on Censoring Journalists for China

South China Morning Post: Lawmaker asks LinkedIn, Microsoft why they censored US journalists’ accounts in China

Newsmax: Sens. Scott, Rubio Question Limits on COVID Treatment

The Hill: House approves legislation to protect K-12 schools against cyberattacks

The Epoch Times: Deep Dive (Sept. 29): Sen. Rick Scott: ‘Can’t Just Keep Spending’ on Bill Funding Congress

One America News Network: GOP Senators Draft Bill To Ban Vaccine Passport Use By Federal Agencies

WOFL: House passes bill aimed at protecting K-12 schools against cyberattacks

Florida Daily: Florida’s Senators Back GOP’s Comprehensive Afghanistan Legislation

W Radio Colombia: El Senado de Estados Unidos llega a acuerdo para evitar cierre de Gobierno

Los Angeles Times: Senadores de EEUU critican a AMLO por no haber hecho esto con Nicolás Maduro

NTN 24: Marco Rubio y Rick Scott reprochan a AMLO al no extraditar a Maduro a EE.UU.

Sen. Rick Scott Releases “Un cafecito con Eddie Hamman” in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month

As part of his “Un cafecito con” video series in recognition and celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, Senator Rick Scott released “Un cafecito con Eddie Hamann.” Eddie Hamann is a Colombian-American leader and entrepreneur, who become a benchmark of the Colombian community for his success and contributions to Florida and throughout the United States. Throughout the month, Senator Scott is sitting down with Hispanic leaders from across Florida to highlight their incredible stories and recognize the countless contributions of the Hispanic community to the great state of Florida and to our country. See Senator Scott’s original video HERE. See “Un cafecito con Eddie Hamann” in the video HERE or below.

El Senador Rick Scott lanza “Un cafecito con Eddie Hamann” en celebración del Mes de la Herencia Hispana

Como parte de su serie de videos “Un cafecito con” en reconocimiento y celebración del Mes de la Herencia Hispana, el Senador Rick Scott lanzó hoy “Un cafecito con Eddie Hamann”. Eddie Hamann es un líder y emprendedor colombo-americano, quien se convirtió en un referente de la comunidad colombiana por su éxito y contribuciones a Florida y en todo Estados Unidos. A lo largo del mes, el Senador Scott se reunirá con líderes hispanos de toda Florida para destacar sus increíbles historias y reconocer las innumerables contribuciones de la comunidad hispana al gran estado de Florida y a nuestro país. Vea el video original del Senador Scott AQUÍ. Vea “Un cafecito con Eddie Hamann” en el video AQUÍ.

Sen. Rick Scott Announces Alexandra Ojeda as Florida State Director

Senator Rick Scott announced that Alexandra “Alex” Ojeda will serve as State Director, effective October 2021, following the departure of John Tupps.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I’m glad to welcome Alex Ojeda back on my team as State Director. She’s done an incredible job serving the people of Florida in her roles in Attorney General Ashley Moody’s office and in my Senate office, and I have no doubt she will go above and beyond to lead our hardworking team throughout the state, and help Floridians receive any federal support and information they need. I’d like to thank John Tupps for his amazing leadership and tireless work in this role and during his decade of public service. John was one of the earliest hires in my office in 2011 after I was elected as Governor of Florida, and his creativity, positive mindset and commitment to the job and serving Florida families have been a great influence and asset. He’s truly left our state offices and constituent services team in an even better place than when he started, and I look forward to seeing Alex build on these efforts and everything she accomplishes in the role.”

Alexandra Ojeda most recently served as Counsel for Public Affairs for Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody. She previously worked as Hispanic Press Secretary in the office of Senator Rick Scott. Alex was born and raised in Puerto Rico and holds an undergraduate degree in Communications and a Juris Doctor from the University of Puerto Rico where she served as a member of the Law Review. In 2008 she was awarded the Cordova & Fernos Scholarship which allowed her to intern for Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart in Washington, D.C. and experience the inner workings of the federal government. Upon graduating law school, Alex relocated to Washington D.C. where she worked for The Washington Center as Federal Relations Manager. In 2016, Alex moved to Tampa, Florida and served as Public Policy Manager for The Tampa Bay Partnership before joining Senator Rick Scott’s campaign for U.S. Senate in 2018 as Hispanic Outreach Director. Alex is a barred attorney in the State of Florida and lives in Tampa with her husband, James. Read more HERE.

Senator Scott has received his COVID-19 vaccine, and he encourages everyone consider doing the same. The COVID-19 vaccine works and is critical to ending the pandemic and saving lives.

For more information and to find out where you can get the shot, visit

111 N. Adams Street, Suite 208
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: (850) 942-8415
415 Clematis Street, Suite 201
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: (561) 514-0189
801 North Florida Avenue, Suite 421
Tampa, FL 33602
Phone: (813) 225-7040
1 Courthouse Square, Suite 300
Kissimmee, FL 34741
Phone: (407) 586-7879
221 Palafox Place, Suite 420
Pensacola, FL 32502
Phone: (850) 760-5151
901 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 505
Miami, FL 33134
Phone: (786) 501-7141
3299 Tamiami Trail East, #106
Naples, FL 34112
Phone: (239) 231-7890
400 West Bay Street, Suite 289
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Phone: (904) 479-7227
225 East Robinson Street, Suite 410
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: (407) 872-7161
716 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5274
  Fax: (202) 228-4535