Rick Scott Fights for Religious Freedom

Americans have the right to freely exercise religion – it’s a sacred right that Senator Scott will always fight for. Unfortunately, during the pandemic, many liberal governors and mayors have used their emergency powers to target churches, synagogues, mosques and other houses of worship, while letting other businesses operate.

Last week, Senator Scott led his colleagues in introducing a resolution to reaffirm the Senate’s commitment to protecting Americans’ freedom of religion. Senate Democrats blocked its passage. As your United States Senator, Senator Rick Scott will never stop fighting to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, and to protect the rights of the American people, including the right to freely exercise religion.

Read more on Senator Scott’s efforts below.

Sen. Rick Scott Leads Colleagues in Resolution Defending Right to Freely Exercise Religion

On December 18, Senator Rick Scott led his colleagues in a resolution defending the First Amendment to the United States Constitution – the right to freely exercise one’s religion. This resolution was also supported by the Family Research Council and Alliance Defending Freedom.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Religious liberty is our first freedom, and there is no pandemic exception to the First Amendment. Unfortunately, liberal governors and mayors across the country have used their emergency powers as a sword to go after churches, synagogues, mosques and other houses of worship, instead of a shield to protect the public health. For months, they have argued that these houses of worship should not meet and congregants could not sing, while they applaud massive political protests. That’s wrong. Today, my colleagues and I stand together against these misguided and hypocritical attempts to target religious institutions. We will always fight for the religious liberty of all Americans.”

Read the full resolution HERE.