Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review



Dear Fellow Floridian,

As I travel around Florida, I consistently hear about how the broken Washington bureaucracies and regulations are making it difficult for Florida families and small businesses to thrive, especially when they become obstacles to our state’s recovery from hurricanes and natural disasters.

One thing I’m hearing from Floridians is the hurt the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and its rising costs are causing families, and I’m fighting tooth and nail in Washington to fix it. While we continue to work on permanent solutions to the problems plaguing the NFIP, we need to make sure hardworking folks have access to affordable coverage. That’s why I introduced and will be fighting to pass legislation that provides a non-refundable tax break to families who purchase flood insurance coverage through the private market or the NFIP. This commonsense bill ensures Floridians can maintain coverage without breaking the bank.

While many in Florida desperately need relief from rising NFIP costs, others are dealing with the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) lack of action and total failure to release its review of USACE easement policies for construction projects, including for hurricane and storm damage risk reduction and coastal storm risk management (CSRM), as required in Section 8235 of the Water Resources and Development Act of 2022. I’ve repeatedly heard from Floridians that damage caused by recent storms and hurricanes increases the likelihood that further USACE inaction will greatly accelerate the deterioration of impacted areas. As another hurricane season approaches and these projects remain uncompleted, communities are losing valuable time to take needed actions to increase hurricane resiliency.

As I told them in my letter, time is of the essence. Any further delays on these projects could cause catastrophic damage to the coastal communities where they are located.

I’ve spent years fighting to reform the broken NFIP, and I won’t stop until it is fixed. Earlier this year, I reintroduced three bills, the Removing Barriers to Private Flood Insurance Act, the Flood Insurance Consumer Choice Act, and the Flood Insurance Transparency Act to reform the NFIP, which would help lower the cost of flood insurance, build a more robust private market and ensure the property insurance market better serves Florida families. I’ve also been aggressively seeking transparency from the administration on FEMA’s Risk Rating 2.0.

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Both as your U.S. Senator and fellow Floridian, I share these frustrations and am laser-focused on holding folks accountable, finding solutions, and ultimately, making Washington work for the Sunshine State.  



Rick Scott

United States Senator

To be the first to find out about Senator Scott’s actions and statements, follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.



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Sen. Rick Scott Calls For Accountability Ahead of VA Secretary Visit to Florida

Ahead of Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough’s visit to Jacksonville on April 23, Senator Rick Scott released the following statement demanding action from the secretary following multiple calls for accountability from the VA system. Following a tragic homicide at the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center last month, Senator Scott led his colleagues in calling on Secretary McDonough to take immediate action and hold the management team responsible for their systematic failures and make it abundantly clear that changes in leadership at the poorly-ranked hospital are necessary to ensure the welfare and protection of the patients and staff.

Senator Rick Scott said, “While I am very happy Florida will be home to another VA facility to provide services to the millions of veterans who call the Sunshine State home, I am once again demanding that the Biden administration and Secretary McDonough finally take action and hold themselves accountable for failures that are hurting our veterans. The homicide last month at the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center is tragic and unacceptable. While in Florida, Secretary McDonough must announce what the VA is doing to ensure this never happens again—so far, no one has been held accountable, and my office has been met with silence on the issue. That is unacceptable, and we need answers. As a Navy veteran and the son of a World War II veteran, I know firsthand the sacrifices made by our military members and their families. If you put your life on the line in defense of our freedoms, your government should always have your back. That’s why I’m fighting every day as Florida’s U.S. Senator, to hold the VA accountable and make Washington work for our veterans and service members.”

Read more HERE.

Senators Rick Scott, Eric Schmitt & Republican Colleagues Demand Answers Regarding Proposed Biden ESG Rule for Federal Contractors

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Eric Schmitt, alongside Senators John Thune (R-SD), Dan Sullivan (R-AK), Tom Cotton (R-AR), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Ted Budd (R-NC), Kevin Cramer (R-ND), Katie Britt (R-AL), Deb Fischer (R-NE), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), and Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), to send a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, General Services Administrator Robin Carnahan, and NASA Administrator Bill Nelson to demand answers regarding an Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) regulation that would negatively impact government contractors.

The senators write, “The Federal Supplier Climate Risks and Resilience Rule (“Contractor Climate Rule”) would be a disaster, severely distracting your agencies from critical tasks of securing our nation from foreign adversaries and of exploring our universe. Simply put, this Administration should not use procurement policy in order to meet its radical environmental justice goals. Under the proposed rule, certain federal contractors and suppliers will be forced to publicly disclose their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and climate-related financial risks and set science-based emissions reduction targets.”

The senators continue, “Public procurement objectives should ensure the government can acquire high-quality goods quickly and cheaply. Instead of being distracted by bureaucratic rules and regulations, your agencies should be focused on shooting missiles and shooting stars. We do not intend to stand idly by as this Administration again attempts to further a radical agenda through procurement policy—this time directly harming our defense and space industrial bases. If your agencies continue to move forward with this Contractor Climate Rule, Congress will have no choice but to introduce a resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act and consider other legislative options to prevent this radical ESG policy.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott to Columbia University Board: Take Action Against Antisemitism or Lose Federal Funding

Following the ongoing antisemitic attacks against Jewish students at Columbia University, Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to the University’s Board of Trustees demanding it force leadership to take action that stops antisemitic actions and protects Jewish students, or replace the administration. Senator Scott has been adamant about protecting students at American colleges and universities who continue to be threatened by terrorist sympathizers calling for the eradication of Jewish people and the destruction of Israel. Senator Scott is fighting to pass his and Senator Tim Scott’s Stop Antisemitism on College Campuses Act, which he mentions in his letter. This bill would rescind federal education funding for colleges and universities that peddle antisemitism or authorize, fund or facilitate events that promote violent antisemitism.

Additionally, Senator Rick Scott joined Senators Bob Casey and Tim Scott to introduce the Antisemitism Awareness Act. The bill will help address antisemitic sentiment and action on college campuses—which has been rising across the nation for years and spiked in the wake of Hamas’ terrorist attack on October 7, 2023—by requiring the U.S. Department of Education to consider the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism when enforcing federal anti-discrimination laws.

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Joins Sen. Tom Cotton, Colleagues: Biden Administration Must Act to Protect Jewish Students from Pro-Hamas, Antisemitic Mobs

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Tom Cotton and 25 of their Senate Republican colleagues in sending a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona, urging them to restore order to campuses that have been effectively shut down by antisemitic mobs that are targeting Jewish students. The senators requested Attorney General Garland and Secretary Cardona provide an update on efforts to protect Jewish students by Wednesday, April 24.

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott on Q1 GDP Report: Bidenomics is Fueling America’s Decline

In response to the First Quarter 2024 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) announcement, Senator Rick Scott released the following statement highlighting failures of “Bidenomics” and economic hardships fueled by the Biden administration’s reckless tax-and-spend agenda. Today’s report shows that the fiscal health of the country is on decline—with GDP coming in at 1.6%, wildly below the expectation of 2.5%.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Under President Joe Biden’s failed leadership, the United States is in decline and the American Dream is dying. Bidenomics has been a complete disaster, America is not thriving and the American people are struggling. I’ve been warning about the dangers of Biden’s bad policies since the start of his administration and last year, I began distributing a quarterly Economic Snapshot that shows America’s decline under Biden’s disastrous agenda. Everywhere you look, companies are laying off employees and families are being stretched to the max by Biden’s raging inflation crisis and bad economy. That’s why we are seeing job reports that month after month show a growth in part-time jobs while full-time jobs decline.

“The reason for this economic failure is clear to every Floridian I talk to: reckless government spending and a massively growing regulatory regime are killing opportunity in this country, causing prices to skyrocket and digging America in nearly $35 TRILLION of debt that’s projected to grow by $1 TRILLION every 100 days. Even in the face of this hardship, I am always optimistic about the future of our country. I believe in the American Dream because I’ve lived it and showed during my time as governor of Florida that when you cut reckless spending, pay down the debt, and eliminate burdensome regulations, you can make government work for the people. It’s going to take hard work to bring fiscal sanity back to Washington, and it starts with getting Joe Biden out of the White House to stop his dangerous and socialist economic agenda.”  

Ream more HERE. Read Senator Scott’s full Spring 2024 Economic Snapshot ‘Breaking Down Bidenomics HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Calls on Biden to Fix His Illogical Carve Out for Chinese Solar, Crack Down on Child and Slave Labor

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement following U.S. solar manufacturers’ move to file a trade petition for investigations and anti-dumping and countervailing duties on imported solar from southeast Asian nations, primarily by companies based in China. This comes amid reports that companies are forced to rethink their plans to invest in American-based solar factories and calls from several U.S. solar companies for the Biden administration to finally hold Communist Chinese solar companies accountable for circumventing U.S. trade laws by sending Chinese-made solar products – panels and components – through Southeast Asian countries, claiming they were made in the corresponding nation.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Last year, I led and Congress passed an Anti-Chinese Solar CRA, giving President Biden the opportunity to reverse his illogical pro-China rule that supports horrific slavery, child labor, and illegal business practices propped up by the Chinese Communist Party. Instead of standing against child labor and slavery, and supporting American-made solar manufacturers by signing my CRA, Biden chose cowardly appeasement of the genocidal regime in Communist China and vetoed it. American and allied nation businesses have been left struggling to fight for a level playing field ever since Biden put his thumb on the scale in favor of illegal trade activities. After two years of allowing Communist Chinese companies to benefit off Biden’s weakness, the president has the opportunity to finally do the right thing and hold these companies accountable. This would be the right move, and if Biden wants to leave the American people better off when he leaves office than they are today, he’d reverse the rest of the terrible policies he’s used to destroy our economy and undermine the national security of the United States.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Slams Q1 GDP Report, Shares Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation Crisis

Senator Rick Scott released a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation. Earlier this week, in response to the First Quarter 2024 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) announcement, Senator Scott released the following statement highlighting failures of “Bidenomics” and economic hardships fueled by the Biden administration’s reckless tax-and-spend agenda. Yesterday’s report shows that the fiscal health of the country is on decline—with GDP coming in at 1.6%, wildly below the expectation of 2.5%, and comes as inflation has risen more than 19% since President Biden took office.

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.


Sen. Rick Scott in The Hill: We Can’t Trust Joe Biden to Stand with Israel, Lead America on the World Stage

Senator Rick Scott wrote an op-ed for The Hill as the Senate is set to consider a massive $95 billion foreign aid package later today. In his op-ed, Senator Scott makes clear how Joe Biden’s decisions to appease Iran and cede his party to radical pro-Hamas extremists have shown that the American people cannot trust his administration, and outlines his concerns that without proper safeguards, the Biden administration will use this aid package as leverage against Israel.

Senator Scott recently returned from his sixth visit to Israel as Florida’s governor and now U.S. senator. Senator Scott met with Prime Minister Netanyahu to express the United States’ support for Israel as it defends itself from the Iran-backed Hamas terrorists that killed thousands on October 7, 2023 and is still holding hundreds, including Americans, hostage.

Senator Scott has repeatedly tried to pass standalone Israel aid in the Senate and Democrats have blocked it every time. In November 2023, less than two months after the October 7th attacks, Senator Scott voted to pass standalone Israel aid and Senate Democrats unanimously voted against it.

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott in The Hill: We Can’t Trust Joe Biden to Stand with Israel, Lead America on the World Stage

Senator Rick Scott wrote an op-ed for The Hill as the Senate is set to consider a massive $95 billion foreign aid package later today. In his op-ed, Senator Scott makes clear how Joe Biden’s decisions to appease Iran and cede his party to radical pro-Hamas extremists have shown that the American people cannot trust his administration, and outlines his concerns that without proper safeguards, the Biden administration will use this aid package as leverage against Israel.

Senator Scott recently returned from his sixth visit to Israel as Florida’s governor and now U.S. senator. Senator Scott met with Prime Minister Netanyahu to express the United States’ support for Israel as it defends itself from the Iran-backed Hamas terrorists that killed thousands on October 7, 2023 and is still holding hundreds, including Americans, hostage.

Senator Scott has repeatedly tried to pass standalone Israel aid in the Senate and Democrats have blocked it every time. In November 2023, less than two months after the October 7th attacks, Senator Scott voted to pass standalone Israel aid and Senate Democrats unanimously voted against it.

Read more HERE.


Senator Scott’s Team in Miami


This week, Senator Scott’s team celebrated National Volunteer Month by giving back to charities throughout Florida. In Miami, the team volunteered for Joshua’s Heart Foundation, which empowers needy people to improve their quality of life by providing necessities like groceries and personal items.

Senator Scott’s Team in Tampa


Senator Scott’s team also volunteered with Feeding Tampa Bay, part of the national Feeding America network, which focuses on providing food to about 1 million food-insecure families in the 10-county area of West Central Florida.

Senator Scott’s Team in Milton


Additionally, Senator Scott’s team volunteered with Feeding the Gulf Coast, where they helped pack boxes for distribution to the community.






