Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review




Dear Fellow Floridian,

Like most parents and grandparents, I work every day to keep my family safe. Sadly, in today’s world it’s getting more and more difficult to do so.

President Biden’s open border policy is a clear and present danger to America. Just this week, we saw records break as more than 12,000 people illegally attempted to enter America through our southern border.

While a U.S. president’s primary responsibility is to protect American citizens and defend our Constitution, when it comes to border security, Biden is doing neither. Rather than address and alleviate this grave threat, President Biden and his Democrat allies in Congress are the root cause.

Since Biden took office, approximately 9.5 million migrants have illegally entered America.

When the Biden administration took over, the border was largely secure. But now it is in chaos because of one person- Joe Biden.

The open border represents a huge national and homeland security threat. With an open border, it’s obvious how and where foreign terrorist organizations would insert their fighters into our country. Not to mention, just this week Director Wray shared his concerns about rising threats in our country!

President Biden’s failure to secure the border means it’s up to Republicans to use any chance we can to secure it once and for all.

Even still, the strongest border security legislation won’t work under Biden.

I am standing united with House Republicans to make sure that my Republican colleagues in the Senate hold the line and reject any Ukraine funding bill from the Biden Administration that doesn’t move us toward a more secure border that ties their Ukraine funding request, to which I am skeptical, to real border security metrics. It’s a matter of keeping our families safe, and that’s something I refuse to compromise on.

Read more HERE.



Rick Scott

United States Senator

To be the first to find out about Senator Scott’s actions and statements, follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


Sen. Rick Scott Leads Rally in Support of Venezuelan Opposition Presidential Candidate María Corina Machado


Senator Rick Scott led Venezuelan community leaders for a rally, hosted by the Independent Venezuelan-American Citizens (IVAC), in support of opposition presidential candidate María Corina Machado and a future of freedom and democracy in Venezuela. During the rally, Senator Scott called María Corina Machado so that she could join the rally via phone as continues to campaign across Venezuela and faces threats of unjust, politically-motivated arrest from the corrupt and evil regime of dictator Nicolás Maduro.

Senator Rick Scott said, “More than two million Venezuelans around the world, including many of you here today, made your voices heard and elected María Corina Machado, as the official opposition candidate for the upcoming presidential elections. This is a significant moment in the Venezuelan people’s fight for freedom and true representative government. We cannot waste this opportunity to advance our fight for democracy in Venezuela and I recently wrote to President Biden urging him to acknowledge this moment and immediately revise the conditions of sanctions relief that the administration has recently offered to the Maduro regime. Additionally, I introduced a resolution echoing these priorities on the Senate floor. Now is the time for American strength. Maduro and his thugs, who have horrifically murdered and oppressed the Venezuelan people for years, must understand that only the return of democracy to Venezuela through free and fair elections will result in sanctions relief from the United States. I will never stop fighting until we see a free and democratic Venezuela!”

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ. 

Sen. Rick Scott to CFP: We Demand Transparency Regarding Unprecedented Exclusion of Undefeated FSU

Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to the College Football Playoff (CFP) Selection Committee Chairman Boo Corrigan following yesterday’s shocking decision to exclude Florida State University, an undefeated, Power Five conference champion from the playoffs for the first time in the Committee’s 10 year history. The decision to drop the 13-0 Florida State University Seminoles from its previous 4th-place ranking, and thereby exclude the team from the upcoming playoffs altogether, came mere hours after the team won the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) Championship game. In his letter, Senator Rick Scott demands full transparency from the Committee regarding how this decision was reached and what factors may have been at play in reaching this outcome.

Read more HERE.    


Sen. Rick Scott to Commerce: Sewage Garlic Grown in Communist China Has No Place in American Grocery Stores

Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo urging the Department of Commerce to investigate the food safety of garlic grown in Communist China following reports that the garlic is being grown in human sewage, then bleached and harvested in abhorrent conditions often with slave labor. In the coming days, Senator Scott is introducing the SEWAGE GARLIC Imports Act and the SEWAGE GARLIC Imports Tariff Act to address the growth practices and safety of garlic produced in China for human consumption.

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Introduces Resolution to Honor Fourth Anniversary of NAS Pensacola Terrorist Attack

Senator Rick Scott introduced a resolution recognizing the fourth anniversary of the terrorist attack at Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola, when a Saudi military trainee killed three U.S. sailors and wounded several others on December 6th, 2019. Senators Marco Rubio, Katie Britt, Tommy Tuberville, Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock co-sponsored the resolution.

Read more HERE.    

Sen. Rick Scott Introduces Bill to Crack Down on CCP Espionage in U.S.

Senator Rick Scott led the introduction of the Countering Corrupt Political Influence Act (CCP Influence Act) to increase transparency and reporting requirements of Chinese Communist Party officials in the U.S. conducting government business. The CCP Influence Act would build upon a Trump administration policy to require the State Department to mandate that Chinese foreign missions, including its embassy and various consulates around the United States, notify the Department of State in advance of all official meetings with state officials, official meetings with local and municipal officials, official visits to educational institutions, and official visits to research institutions.

Senator Rick Scott said, “For too long, the U.S. has allowed our adversaries like Communist China to operate and benefit from a complete lack of transparency when conducting business on U.S. soil. As individuals and entities tied to the evil government of Communist China continue to buy American farmland, infiltrate our universities and attempt to persuade the decisions of local and state governments, we must take action to protect U.S. interests. Today, I am demanding more transparency. When our diplomats are abroad, we fully expect them to help improve relations in the country they are assigned – that’s their job. It is unacceptable that CCP diplomats stationed in the United States are able to take full advantage of our open society to meet with institutions whenever they choose, yet the CCP doesn’t reciprocate. That needs to change. Until the CCP provides equal treatment of our diplomats, I am urging more transparency in the actions of the CCP in America. That is why I am introducing the CCP Influence Act, and I urge my colleagues to pass this important bill with critical national security implications.”

Read more HERE.

Senators Rick Scott & Katie Britt Urge Biden Administration to Enforce Iran Steel Sanctions

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Katie Britt and 29 of their Senate Republican colleagues in sending a letter to President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen urging the Treasury Department to enforce existing sanctions on Iranian steel. In the letter, the senators express the importance of “proactively and continuously” enforcing sanctions and the detrimental consequences of ineffective – or willfully negligent – enforcement. Iran is one of the largest steel-producing countries in the world, with the industry generating significant funds via exports.

Read more HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott & Marsha Blackburn Lead Legislation To Weaken Iran-China Ties, Condition Any Nuclear Deal

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Marsha Blackburn and six of their Republican colleagues in introducing the Iran China Accountability Act to weaken Iran’s ties with Communist China. The legislation prohibits the consideration and use of any U.S. taxpayer dollars to advance a nuclear agreement with Iran until they terminate their ties with the CCP and terrorist groups like Hamas.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Iran cannot be trusted. Iran has made the choice to back terrorist organizations like Hamas, who are attacking our ally Israel, beheading babies and holding hundreds hostage. Iran has made the choice to cozy up to one of our nation’s biggest adversaries, Communist China, as it seeks global domination and an end to our way of life. Nothing Iran does is good for America. Our bill makes it clear that until Iran cuts ties with Communist China, condemns human rights abuses and stops funding terrorism against Israel, the U.S. will not spend a single cent to move forward on any nuclear agreement.”

.Read more HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott and Chuck Grassley Lead Budget Committee Republicans in Urging Chairman Whitehouse to Prioritize Fiscal Climate

Amid a barrage of warnings about the country’s deteriorating fiscal health, Senators Rick Scott, Chuck Grassley and all Budget Committee Republicans are urging Chairman Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) to convene a series of hearings examining policies to address the nation’s looming economic challenges. In a letter cosigned by all committee Republicans, the senators cite credit downgrades and independent analyses warning of the challenges presented by growing debt, deficit and interest obligations.

Read more HERE.

en. Rick Scott Calls for Passage of Resolution Recognizing María Corina Machado as Venezuela’s Official Presidential Opposition Candidate

Senator Rick Scott introduced a resolution recognizing María Corina Machado as Venezuela’s official Presidential Opposition candidate for the upcoming presidential elections and spoke in support of its unanimous passage on the Senate floor. Senator Scott is calling on the United States to stand with María Corina Machado and the brave people of Venezuela who have united her to rid Venezuela of the brutal oppression brought onto them by Nicolás Maduro, and finally bring freedom and democracy to their country. Senate Democrats blocked its passage.

This resolution is cosponsored by Senator Marco Rubio and introduced in the House of Representatives by Congressman Mario Díaz-Balart.

Watch the Senator’s speech HERE. Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ. 

Sens. Rick Scott & Marco Rubio Introduce Bill to Protect U.S. Schools From China’s Influence

Senator Rick Scott joined Senators Marco Rubio and Tim Scott to introduce the Protecting Education from Malign Foreign Influence Act to address and prevent foreign adversaries’ influence in the U.S. education system. Foreign adversaries, including Communist China, have significantly increased covert tactics to infiltrate American colleges and K-12 schools with the intention to steal research, spread propaganda, and silence students and academics. This legislation is endorsed by the National Association of Scholars and Parents Defending Education Action.

Senator Rick Scott said, “It’s a universally accepted truth that Communist China is stealing U.S. technology and intellectual property from institutions of higher learning. We cannot allow the U.S. federal government to sit back and let this dangerous espionage happen. Now is the time to take a stand against this madness, and I’m proud to join my colleagues in fighting to pass the Protecting Education from Malign Foreign Influence Act to better protect America’s colleges and universities.”

Read more HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott & Cotton Introduce Legislation to Ban Chinese Seafood Imports

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Tom Cotton and Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith to introduce the Ban China’s Forbidden Operations in the Oceanic Domain (C-FOOD) Act, which would stop imports of Chinese seafood and aquaculture products, sanction companies that import Chinese seafood, and place tariffs on countries that facilitate the shipment on the seafood.

Read more HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott, Chuck Grassley & Senate Republicans Demand Changes to Biden Admin Rule Endangering Safety and Wellbeing of Unaccompanied Minors

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Chuck Grassley in leading 37 of their Senate Republican colleagues in calling on the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) to overhaul its harmful and deficient policies governing the agency’s treatment of unaccompanied minors in the United States. ORR’s Proposed Rule – parts of which the agency is already enforcing – allows vulnerable children to be placed in the custody of unvetted, potentially criminal sponsors and obstructs whistleblowers from reporting to Congress on abuse in the program. Senator Scott and his fellow Republicans are demanding ORR rewrite its policies or face congressional action to overturn the finalized rule.

Read more HERE.

Senators Rick Scott, Jim Risch & Colleagues: Maduro Regime Moving Towards More Brutal Dictatorship, U.S. Must Act

Senator Rick Scott joined Senators Jim Risch (R-Idaho), Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Tim Scott (R-S.C.), Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.), and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) in releasing the following statement on the Maduro regime’s arrest warrants for members of an opposition party:

The senators said, “We are extremely concerned over recent arrest warrants issued by the Maduro regime against members of Maria Corina Machado’s political party and coalition. This brazen act is a clear indication that the Maduro regime is not following through on its commitment to free and fair elections in 2024.

“The blatant refusal to release political prisoners or American hostages, the continued arrest warrants against other key opposition leaders, and the petulant saber rattling against Guyana show that the Maduro regime is moving towards an even more brutal dictatorship. The United States and our democratic partners should respond accordingly using all diplomatic tools, including enforcing Maduro’s indictment for involvement in narco-trafficking and snap back of all sanctions relief given since November 2022.”

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.

Sen. Rick Scott: Jobs Reports Show Why Americans Can’t Trust Anything Biden Says on the Economy

Following the release of the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ November Jobs report, Senator Rick Scott released a statement calling out the Biden administration for its continued lies and spin to make the American people think the economy is thriving. This morning’s report claimed job growth of 199,000 jobs, but approximately 41,000 of those were union workers returning to the workforce following the recent auto and writers guild strikes. Additionally, Senator Scott shared a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation caused by Biden and Democrats’ socialist policies and reckless government spending that continues to wreak havoc on the economy and shrink budgets for families as everyday prices continue to skyrocket.

Senator Rick Scott said, “At every opportunity, this administration misleads the American people to distract from the failures of Bidenomics, and this morning’s job report is another disgusting example of its lies. It is absurd that Biden would count the 41,000 jobs returning to the workforce after a strike as new job growth. I guess it shouldn’t surprise us that the same president taking credit for creating millions of jobs that were only in jeopardy because his party shut the country down, is now doing the same for those returning from a strike that his administration helped cause. It is shameful that the mainstream media hasn’t held him accountable for his phony job creation numbers and is now going to let him get away with this. The Biden administration can try as hard as it wants to confuse the American people with a web of lies, but families in Florida know the facts: inflation is skyrocketing, families are struggling to make ends meet, national credit card debt hit a record high, and the jobs market is anything but raging. American prosperity isn’t built on lies and fantasy, it’s built on hard work and real results. Joe Biden has neither and we are sick and tired of dealing with his failures.”

Read more HERE.


In Case You Missed It…

Sen. Rick Scott in the Tallahassee Democrat: I Stand With FSU in Demanding Transparency from the CFP Committee

Sens. Rick Scott & Ron Johnson in Fox News: Before Biden gives one more dime to Ukraine, he must first secure our border

Sen. Rick Scott & National Taxpayers Union in the Sun Sentinel: Closing a Corruption Loophole

Fox News: FL Sen. Rick Scott letter demands answers from CFP committee over FSU playoff snub: ‘Shocking decision’

Fox News: Florida lawmakers blast CFP officials over Seminoles snub: ‘Corrupt decision’

Washington Examiner: GOP senators look to crack down on foreign espionage with tougher reporting requirements

Washington Examiner: Florida lawmakers slam ‘corrupt decision’ to snub Florida State from College Football Playoff

Newsmax: Sen. Rick Scott Seeks Answers on FSU Playoff Exclusion

Politico: Sen. Rick Scott demands answers over FSU snubbing as anger builds over college football pick

Politico: GOP senators: Halt travel with China to stop ‘mystery illness’

BBC: Chinese garlic is a national security risk, says US senator

Bloomberg: Senator Scott Questions Florida State’s Exclusion From College Football Playoff

The Washington Times: Sen. Rick Scott demands transparency over FSU football championship snub

The Messenger: Sen. Rick Scott Sends Letter Demanding Transparency On Florida State’s Exclusion From College Football Playoffs

The Hill: Scott demands texts and emails of College Football Playoff committee after FSU snub

West Orlando News: Rubio, Scott Resolution Commemorates NAS Pensacola Terrorist Attack Victims

247 Sports: U.S. Senator Rick Scott demanding answers and transparency from CFB Playoff Selection Committee
Fox 13: Florida Senator Rick Scott demands answers after FSU snubbed from College Football Playoff

ABC 7:Sen. Rick Scott wants ‘transparency’ on FSU snub by College Football Playoffs

WPTV: Rick Scott, Jimmy Patronis demand transparency in College Football Playoff voting after Florida State snub

News 4 Jax: Florida Sen. Rick Scott demands answers from college football committee after FSU left out of playoff

News Press: FSU snub: Trump digs at DeSantis, but Florida politicians have leverage over NCAA

The Floridian: Scott Blasts Schumer: ‘Doesn’t Care About Israel, Our Border’

The Floridian: Scott, Patronis Demand Answers from CFP Committee after FSU Snub, Trump Blames DeSantis

Tampa Bay Times: Florida politicians want answers after FSU football’s playoff snub

Florida Daily: Rick Scott: Senate Budget Committee Needs to Look at Looming Economic Challenges

Florida Daily: Rick Scott Wants More Transparency on Taxpayer-Funded Voter-Mobilization Plans

Florida Politics: ‘Sewage garlic’ turns Rick Scott’s stomach

Florida Politics: U.S. Senator Rick Scott demanding answers and transparency from CFB Playoff Selection Committee

Space Coast Daily: Sen. Rick Scott Defends Florida State University After Being Left Out of College Football Playoff

WTSP: Sen. Rick Scott demands answers from College Football Playoff chairman after FSU snub

Miami Herald: ‘Ripped away.’ Why was undefeated FSU snubbed from playoff? Florida leaders want answers


Senator Scott in Sweetwater


This week, Senator Scott met with leaders from the Haitian community in South Florida to hear about the issues facing this community and discuss how we can continue working together.

Senator Scott in Miami


Senator Scott also joined Venezuelans in South Florida at a rally in support of Venezuelan Opposition Candidate María Corina Machado.

Senator Scott’s Team in Kissimmee


Senator Scott’s team also attended the ribbon cutting ceremony of the facilities of Access Health Center in Osceola County.

Senator Scott’s Team in Lakeland


Another event Senator Scott’s team attended was the NOAA’s Change of Command at the Aircraft Operations Center.

Senator Scott’s Team in Miami


Senator Scott’s team also celebrated the retirement of President Alex Sanchez after 30 years in the banking industry.







