What’s New and Hot in 2024 Election Cycle

Russell Tuff
Chairman, CCCVPAC
What’s New in the 2024 Election Cycle in Collier County, Florida?
In the upcoming City of Naples mayoral race, three candidates are vying for the position. Notably, Bill Kramer, the renowned former football coach of Naples High, has filed as the sole candidate for the three city council seats.
In the county, there is a change in leadership for the position of Property Appraiser, as the long-serving 99-year-old Abe Skinner has not filed for re-election. However, Julian Stokes, his longtime assistant, has stepped forward as a candidate. Additionally, four individuals, all registered Republicans, have entered the race for Collier County Commission seat 3, currently held by Commissioner Burt Saunders.
Collier County’s political landscape boasts 134,378 registered Republicans, 53,684 Democrats, 5,012 with minor parties, and 30,619 with No Party Affiliation. Statewide, as of October 31st, there are 5,153,695 registered Republicans, 4,473,665 Democrats, and 3,925,923 registered as Other, marking a significant 680,030 Republican advantage over Democrats in Florida. It’s noteworthy that Florida, prior to November 2021, had more Democrats than Republicans.
A notable development is the launch of the Democrat Party of Florida’s $1 Million Voter initiative a month ago. Despite this effort, Republicans lead registered Democrats by 111,979, indicating that the Democrat message may not be resonating effectively in Florida.
As the March election approaches, including the presidential primary and the City of Naples election, it’s crucial to stay informed. For a complete list of offices up for election in Collier County, Click Here. To access the list of declared Republican candidates on the ballot, Click Here.
City of Naples Issues:
Examining the issues relevant to the City of Naples, the governance of the current City Council emerges as a focal point. Concerns have surfaced regarding excessive oversight of city staff, diverting their focus from receiving clear directives from the city administrator and promptly taking action. The frequency and duration of council meetings have also raised questions about their impact on staff productivity.
Notably, some council members appear to reiterate their rationales for support or denial, even after decisions have been reached, suggesting a desire to be heard at the expense of efficiency. These concerns shed light on the challenges facing the City of Naples as the election cycle unfolds.
Moreover, the current council attributes slow progress on stormwater plans to new laws on home rule, despite the project receiving approval in 2019. This warrants further examination and consideration from the electorate.