President’s October Message – Love One Another

Russell Tuff
Collier County Republican Men’s Club
Salute, Connect and Love One Another
It’s finally here! Our next meeting on November 3 will be a luncheon, and it is our 6th Annual Salute to Veterans. This is our major fundraising event of the year.
While we always have an outstanding and inspiring speaker at our monthly meetings, this annual event also provides the funding for our veteran services donations and our scholarships. Please plan to attend, and I promise you’ll go home feeling proud to be an American, and you will be contributing to the future greatness of our community and country.
It’s New
Hopefully you can make it on Tuesday October 10 to our first ever early evening social event that we’re calling “The Right Connections.” This event was originally scheduled in September, but was canceled due to Hurricane Idalia.
In addition to our regular breakfast meetings, many members have expressed an interest in meeting later in the day in order to have a better chance to socialize than is possible when one must leave to meet the challenges of the day after a breakfast meeting. Learn more here.
To fill that niche, the Republican Men’s Club will be hosting a social at South Street Oven at Immokalee Road and Collier Blvd.
Promoting Republican Values
I am deeply concerned about the internal divisions within the Republican Party and our failure to uphold the Judeo-Christian values we often speak of. When any of us find ourselves criticizing fellow Republicans, we should instead strive to follow the commandment to “love one another” and remember the words from Corinthians: “If I don’t have love, I am but a clanging cymbal.”
Name calling such as “RINO’s” and other names because our fellow Republicans may hold minor differences in opinion, leaves openings for more policies by the Democrats, who seem to be able to overcome their differences and move even more to the
To achieve our goals in a Democrat-controlled Senate and White House, we must point out the shortcomings of the Democrat’s policies and highlight the benefits of implementing Republican values. We should focus on winning over the undecided 10% of voters through a message of love rather than belittling them. We already have the “right” leaning voters in our camp. We now have to get the moderates, and those more left leaning that have had enough of the destruction being promoted, such as men competing in women’s sports, boys in girl’s bathrooms, our overwhelmed borders, and Bidenflation causing $700 additional monthly expenses to the average household. I could go on and on.
This approach is essential for reclaiming our country and living in accordance with the cherished values we hold dear.