Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review




Dear Fellow Floridian,

Since I arrived in the United States Senate, I’ve worked every day fighting to pass commonsense reforms that shake some sanity into Washington. It seems like all folks know to do up here is spend, spend, spend. But when I talk to Floridians, I hear your firsthand experiences dealing with the soaring prices and inflation caused by Democrats massive spending spree.

That’s why I voted no on the bad debt ceiling deal this week. This bad deal promises more debt and inflation for Floridians who need relief the most.

There will never come a day when the permanent political class in either party in Washington will stand up in favor of curtailing runaway spending and debt. The politicians in Washington will never accept that they are wrong, so we have to force change.

I won’t compromise on debt. I won’t say ok to ‘good enough.’ I am committed to stopping this madness and will keep working with my conservative colleagues in the Senate and House to actually get something done for the American people. We need to pass No Budget, No Pay to make sure Congress doesn’t get paid unless a real budget is passed. We need to end reckless spending and we won’t stop focusing on making sure Congress actually starts passing budgets.

Dear Fellow Floridian,

Since I arrived in the United States Senate, I’ve worked every day fighting to pass commonsense reforms that shake some sanity into Washington. It seems like all folks know to do up here is spend, spend, spend. But when I talk to Floridians, I hear your firsthand experiences dealing with the soaring prices and inflation caused by Democrats massive spending spree.

That’s why I voted no on the bad debt ceiling deal this week. This bad deal promises more debt and inflation for Floridians who need relief the most.

There will never come a day when the permanent political class in either party in Washington will stand up in favor of curtailing runaway spending and debt. The politicians in Washington will never accept that they are wrong, so we have to force change.

I won’t compromise on debt. I won’t say ok to ‘good enough.’ I am committed to stopping this madness and will keep working with my conservative colleagues in the Senate and House to actually get something done for the American people. We need to pass No Budget, No Pay to make sure Congress doesn’t get paid unless a real budget is passed. We need to end reckless spending and we won’t stop focusing on making sure Congress actually starts passing budgets.

For more, click HERE.



Rick Scott

United States Senator


To be the first to find out about Senator Scott’s actions and statements, follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

See more of what Senator Scott has been up to this week below.

Sens. Rick Scott & Marco Rubio Criticize Biden Policy Empowering Child Trafficking

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Marco Rubio and their colleagues in sending a letter to U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS) Alejandro Mayorkas demanding U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) continue to conduct familial DNA testing at the U.S. southern border. This letter follows recent reports indicating that CBP will stop using “all familial DNA testing” at the U.S. southern border this month which will significantly increase the risk for children to be exploited and trafficked through fraud schemes along the U.S. southern border.

Earlier this month, Senator Scott led Senators Rubio and Tom Cotton in introducing the Stop Human Trafficking of Unaccompanied Migrant Children Act. This bill ensures extensive vetting by the DHS and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) before a vulnerable unaccompanied child is placed with a sponsor.

Read more HERE. 

Sen. Rick Scott Applauds Florida Space Coast’s Selection for STARCOM Headquarters

Following major effort to secure Florida as the home of Space Training and Readiness Command, also known as STARCOM, Senator Rick Scott applauded Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall’s decision to select Patrick Space Force Base for its permanent headquarters. Earlier last year, Senators Scott and Marco Rubio joined Representatives Bill Posey, Stephanie Murphy and their colleagues in sending a letter to Secretary Kendall regarding his forthcoming selection of a permanent location for the U.S. Space Force’s STARCOM. Today, it was announced their efforts to bring the command to Florida were successful.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I have been very supportive of bringing STARCOM to the Sunshine State, and today, I am proud to stand with my colleagues and Secretary Kendall to announce it will finally become a reality. This is a massive win for Florida’s role in our country’s space efforts that will bring more jobs and enhance our national security. Florida’s aerospace and aviation workforce is more than 100,000 strong with the skills and experience necessary to support STARCOM and Space Delta 10—that is complimented by the more than 40 colleges and universities boasting an extraordinary talent pipeline that continues to grow. Like I’ve always said, Florida has a long history of advancing America’s national security and leadership in space, and I’m confident this strategic decision to headquarter STARCOM and Space Delta 10 in Florida’s Space Coast will continue that tradition for years to come.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Partners with Weather Channel’s Jim Cantore for Hurricane Preparedness PSA

Senator Rick Scott joined The Weather Channel’s Jim Cantore for a public service announcement urging Floridians to get prepared for the upcoming hurricane season beginning tomorrow, June 1st. Senator Scott has been traveling across the Sunshine State as part of his hurricane preparedness tour where he continues to emphasize the importance of planning ahead for the possibility of a major storm.

Last week, Senator Scott and Mrs. Ann Scott announced that they will be donating his first quarter Senate salary to the American Red Cross Florida Regions and Meals on Wheels, which operates 126 programs throughout the state. Both of these organizations play a critical role in serving Florida’s communities, especially during hurricane season, to help families and senior citizens receive much-needed resources and support. Senator Scott has donated his Senate salary every quarter since taking office.

Read more HERE. Watch the full video HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott & Marco Rubio Introduce Fairness in Higher Education Accreditation Act

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Marco Rubio and their colleagues to introduce the Fairness in Higher Education Accreditation Act. This legislation prohibits Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) accredited agencies from considering a school’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and affirmative action policies, or lack thereof, as criteria for the school’s accreditation.

Senator Rick Scott said, “We need to make sure that no school is judged based on whether a DEI agenda is used. What we care about in Florida is academic success so students can get great jobs after graduation. That’s why our state has been ranked #1 for higher education by U.S. News & World Report for six years running. I am proud to sponsor the Fairness in Higher Education Accreditation Act to bring needed accountability to our colleges and universities.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott & Colleagues Recognize Rough Riders During 125th Anniversary of Spanish-American War

As the United States marks the 125th anniversary of the Spanish-American War in 2023, Senator Rick Scott, joined by Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, announced a resolution designating June 2nd as National Rough Riders Day. The 1st United States Volunteer Calvary, nicknamed the Rough Riders, was a Tampa-based regiment that fought valiantly to defend and protect the United States’ interests during the Spanish-American War.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Florida has a proud history of military service and achievement, and I am honored to be joined by Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz with this resolution honoring the service and sacrifice of the Rough Riders. While President Theodore Roosevelt’s leadership of this cavalry regiment has secured its place in history, it is my hope that this resolution designating June 2 as National Rough Riders Day will ensure that future generations learn the stories of the brave men who served under his command and honor those who gave their lives in service to our nation.”

Read more HERE. 

Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation Crisis

Senator Rick Scott released a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation and shared his statement slamming the passage of the debt ceiling legislation that will allow the federal government to hit $35 TRILLION in debt and does nothing to stop Joe Biden’s raging inflation crisis. Reckless government spending causes inflation, and Senator Scott has been clear that a balanced budget is necessary to get the country back on the path to fiscal sanity, and give the families that continue to struggle some relief. Yesterday, Senator Scott wrote an op-ed for Fox News regarding his opposition to the legislation and released the following statement.

Senator Rick Scott said, “I voted no today because this legislation will only bury us deeper in debt and does nothing to stop the rampant inflation Biden and the Democrats have caused with their addiction to reckless government spending. There will never come a day when the permanent political class in either party in Washington will stand up in favor of curtailing runaway spending and debt. The politicians in Washington will never accept that they are wrong, so we have to force change. I have spent every day of my time in the Senate fighting to pass commonsense reforms that shake some sanity into this place and today made it even clearer that our work must continue. We won’t compromise on debt. We won’t say ok to ‘good enough.’ I am committed to stopping this madness and will keep working with my conservative colleagues in the Senate and House to actually get something done for the American people. We need to pass No Budget, No Pay to make sure Congress doesn’t get paid unless a real budget is passed. We need to end reckless spending and we won’t stop focusing on making sure Congress actually starts passing budgets.” 

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.

Sen. Rick Scott in Fox News: Debt ceiling deal won’t deliver on inflation or America. Senate must scrap it

Senator Rick Scott wrote an op-ed for Fox News sharing his thoughts on the debt ceiling legislation that will allow the federal government to hit $35 TRILLION in debt and inflation to keep skyrocketing. Reckless government spending causes inflation, and Senator Scott has been clear that a balanced budget is necessary to get the country back on the path to fiscal sanity, and give the families that continue to struggle some relief.

In the op-ed, Senator Rick Scott writes, “While I made it clear this week that I do not support the debt ceiling deal, I believe Speaker Kevin McCarthy and our House Republican negotiators gave it their best against a president who does not care about how the inflation he created, retirement concerns and medical bills are causing havoc on families all across this country. 

“It’s OK to acknowledge that the deal being voted on this week may be the best that could be done with this president who refused to negotiate or even discuss this issue for months. But that acknowledgment must come with a second part: This legislation will only bury us deeper in debt and won’t actually deal with the raging inflation that is hurting every American family. Now conservatives in Congress have a choice. We can either do business with the devil knowing this debt ceiling bill will not slay inflation, reduce retirement concerns or medical bills. Or, we can say now is the time to live within our means and stop inflation in its tracks.

“If the time to say no is not today, when is it?

“So ask yourself this question: is a yes vote this week simply kicking the can down the road and telling American families we don’t care about how inflation is impacting their ability to make ends meet. Of course, the answer is yes.

“When a family has a spendthrift child, all they want is for that child to learn to be independent and live within their means. We all love our kids and we don’t want them to fail, but seeing your child be independent and responsible is one of the greatest joys of parenthood. Standing up on your own feels good whether you’re a parent, running a company or leading a state. Only in Washington do people have a hard time accepting this basic and universal truth. 

“Frankly, I’m sick and tired of watching people live in D.C.’s fantasy land where debt doesn’t matter, while America burns in the background.

“I am a businessman who has negotiated a lot of deals. In every deal, you have to say no at some point. Maybe this is the time all Republicans need to say no. Not to be an obstructionist, but to tell every American family we hear them and we care about them…

“President Biden’s proposed budget for this year was $6.8 TRILLION – a 55% increase since 2019. Meanwhile, the U.S. population has grown less than 2% in that same time. This is the kind of reckless spending that gets embraced in Washington and it’s ruining our country. The only way out of this mess is to balance the budget, pay down federal debt, reduce the size of government, reduce regulations, make permitting easier and have government only do the must haves…

“I supported what House Republicans originally passed in the Limit, Save, Grow Act. It wasn’t perfect, but at least it started the process to a balanced budget, get able-bodied Americans back to work, reduced the regulatory footprint which is killing American jobs and worked to grow the American economy not the Washington, D.C. economy…

“So if our only two options are to make the tough choices to balance our budget or pass this bad bill, the decision is easy. Let’s do the hard work and make the tough choices so American families can realize the dream that has made our great nation the greatest place for opportunity on Earth…”

Read the full op-ed in Fox News HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott in South Florida Sun Sentinel: Don’t wait, Florida, get prepared for hurricanes now

Senator Rick Scott wrote an op-ed for the South Florida Sun Sentinel urging Floridians to get prepared for the upcoming hurricane season beginning on June 1st. Senator Scott has been touring the Sunshine State as part of his hurricane preparedness tour where he continues to emphasize the importance of planning ahead for the possibility of a major storm. See more from his most recent stop in Mexico Beach HERE.

Last week, Senator Scott and Mrs. Ann Scott announced that they will be donating his first quarter Senate salary to the American Red Cross Florida Regions and Meals on Wheels, which operates 126 programs throughout the state. Both of these organizations play a critical role in serving Florida’s communities, especially during hurricane season, to help families and senior citizens receive much-needed resources and support. Senator Scott has donated his Senate salary every quarter since taking office.

In the op-ed, Senator Rick Scott wrote, “Stepping through the wreckage that was scattered across Highway 98 in Mexico Beach, I saw a man and his wife standing in the garage of their condo looking over what was once a beautiful home before the storm surge came. That was nearly five years ago, in 2018, one day after Hurricane Michael slammed into the Florida panhandle as a category 5 storm. I’ll never forget what those kind people said to me when I walked over to greet them: We thought the warnings were overblown and that we could ride it out. We will never ignore those evacuation orders again.

Those folks were lucky to be alive, but others have not been so fortunate…

If there is one thing I learned, it’s that Florida is resilient. Our state and local communities come together in times of need and work incredibly hard to recover from these storms.

…as the 2023 hurricane season approaches, Americans continue to face the challenge of inflation and increased prices on everyday goods. That means every Florida family needs to be even more vigilant about making a plan and getting prepared ahead of time. We know how suddenly severe weather can develop and threaten our communities — it can happen at any moment. So, I am urging every family and business in Florida to get a plan and make a disaster preparedness kit today.

…As Floridians, we know better than anyone that preparedness saves lives. Even for those who have lived in Florida for decades, we can never become complacent or let our guard down…

As I always say, you can rebuild your home, but you cannot rebuild your life…

While families across our state prepare for the upcoming hurricane season, I’ll continue to work with our federal partners at FEMA, the National Hurricane Center and other federal agencies to make sure that we are ready to get needed resources and assistance to Floridians impacted by severe weather…

Don’t wait to take action. Start getting prepared today.”

Read the full op-ed in the South Florida Sun Sentinel HERE.

The Hill: Rick Scott ahead of debt ceiling vote: ‘If the time to say no is not today, when is it?’

The Hill: Rick Scott says he will oppose bill to raise debt limit

The Free Press: Sen. Rick Scott Touts Increase Of Law Enforcement Orgs Supporting School-Guardian Bill

Gulf County News: U.S. senator visits Mexico Beach to discuss hurricane preparedness

Florida’s Voice: Florida Sens. Scott and Rubio vote against debt ceiling deal


Senator Scott’s Team in Live Oak

This week, Senator Scott’s team joined members of the Suwanee County School District in the touring Riveroak Technical College in Live Oak, FL.


Senator Scott’s Team in Merritt Island

Senator Scott’s team also attended the Rolling Thunder, Inc. Ride for Freedom XXXV in Merritt Island.


Senator Scott’s Team in Naples

Another event Senator Scott’s team attended was the Memorial Day Remembrance Flag Folding Ceremony at the Pelican Bay Rotary Club in Naples, FL.













