Senator Rick Scott March 10 Week In Review

If President Biden cared about keeping the American Dream alive for our kids and grandkids, he would stand up and reject the failed, woke agenda that has clearly taken over his party. Unfortunately, the budget he proposed yesterday shows he has no interest in doing that.

Thankfully, today’s proposal from the House Freedom Caucus (HFC) marks a commitment to a return to fiscal sanity and accountability in Congress. It’s a responsible approach and stands in stark contrast to President Joe Biden’s multi-trillion dollar fairytale budget proposal that focuses only on more reckless spending, more debt and higher taxes.

I’m proud to see the HFC proposal incorporate strong ideas that make necessary changes to our broken ways of spending, including elements from my Let’s Get to Work Act to get the American people back in the workforce, protects defense spending to keep our military forces strong, and cuts millions of dollars in wasteful spending passed by a Democrat-run Washington like Biden’s 87,000 IRS agent army to go after struggling families and small businesses.

It also sets us on a pathway to GROW our economy by reducing burdensome regulations so that we can fully fund vital programs like Medicare and Social Security without Biden’s deceptive budget gimmicks and trillions in tax hikes on the American people.

For decades, Washington politicians in both parties have failed our country by allowing America to spend ourselves into a $31 trillion debt crisis. To continue that failed behavior is nothing but cowardice. I’ll be fighting to make sure that Republicans in the Senate do not cave to Democrats now. Florida families cannot afford inaction any longer.

Read more HERE. 

Sen. Rick Scott: Biden’s Budget Will Bankrupt Florida Families

Following the release of President Biden’s massively reckless $6.8 TRILLION budget proposal, Senator Rick Scott released the following statement.

Senator Rick Scott said, “If President Biden gave a damn about keeping the American Dream alive, he would stand up and reject the failed, woke agenda that has clearly taken over his party. The budget he proposed today shows he has no interest in doing that. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Biden likes to say, ‘show me your budget and I’ll show you what you value.’ The budget he proposed today shows the American people he doesn’t value them. If he did, he would get serious about rolling back burdensome regulations and focus on growing the economy so American business can create more, good paying jobs. Instead, he is sticking with his 87,000 IRS agent army to go after struggling families and small businesses. If he actually cared about families in the Sunshine State, and saving Social Security and Medicare, he would put forward a plan to balance the budget, start reducing our $31 TRILLION debt and end the reckless spending that is fueling skyrocketing inflation, driving up interest rates and pushing entitlement programs toward insolvency. Biden’s latest budget proposal does nothing but confirm what we already know: he is hopelessly powerless against the woke, socialist left. Yet another reason that Republicans in Washington need to STAND UP, stop caving to Democrats and demand a return to fiscal sanity.” 

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Introduces Legislation to Hold Big Tech Accountable, Keep Teens Safe

Senator Rick Scott reintroduced his Safe Social Media Act and Data Algorithm and Transparency Agreement (DATA) Act to hold Big Tech companies accountable for the malicious content spread on their platforms and help keep teens safe while using social media. Last Congress, Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky requesting information on CDC studies and actions to address the extended use of social media by American children and young adults, and its potential impact on their health and wellbeing.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Across America, kids are spending more time on the internet and on social media now than ever before. The terrible COVID lockdowns only exacerbated this problem. Now, social media companies are taking advantage of this to gather and sell Americans’ personal data, and manipulate impressionable young Americans with disastrous, and sometimes deadly, consequences. We must take action now to better understand the impacts of extended social media use on children and teens. My Safe Social Media Act and DATA Act will make sure the federal government studies the risks of extended social media use, and hold Big Tech accountable by requiring greater transparency regarding its collection of millions of young Americans’ data. I urge my colleagues to support both of these commonsense bills that will take the necessary steps to keep teens safe while using social media.”

Read more HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott, Roger Marshall Reintroduce Drug Cartel Terrorist Designation Act

Senators Rick Scott and Roger Marshall reintroduced the Drug Cartel Terrorist Designation Act, which would provide federal law enforcement with additional power to fight back against the drug cartels by formally designating them as Foreign Terrorist Organizations. The bill follows yesterday’s tragic news that two of the four American citizens kidnapped in Tamaulipas, Mexico were killed by their captors. Read more in Fox News HERE.

Senator Rick Scott said, “For too long, Biden’s botched border policies have prioritized criminals and cartels over legal immigration and Americans’ safety. Dictators, cartels and bad guys around the world know that Biden is a weak appeaser with open border policies. They’re taking full advantage by trafficking evil drugs like fentanyl across the southern border, poisoning our communities and killing our loved ones. Those who knowingly distribute these highly lethal drugs are declaring war on Americans and deserve to be held accountable and classified as the terrorists they are.”

Read more HERE. 

Sens. Rick Scott and Jim Risch Demand U.S. Education Department Answer for Decades of Taxpayer Funded Antisemitism on College Campuses

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho) in leading Senators Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Ted Budd (R-N.C.), Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), Mike Braun (R-Ind.), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), John Hoeven (R-N.D.) Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), and Ted Cruz (R-Texas) in writing a letter to U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona demanding answers for the federal funding of antisemitic activities on college campuses.

In the letter, the senators outline their concerns that the Department of Education is “failing to enforce a Higher Education Act, Title VI requirement,” which necessitates college programs that receive federal funds must “reflect diverse perspectives and a wide range of views.”

“We write with grave concern that the Department of Education, over the course of decades, has been allowing taxpayer-funded antisemitism to take place on college campuses throughout the United States,” wrote the senators. “The obsessive negative focus on Israel and the Jewish people is rampant on college campuses throughout the United States… Some universities may have even violated anti-terrorism laws by hosting convicted terrorists as speakers.”

 “Taxpayer dollars should not fund antisemitism on college campuses, and Jewish and pro-Israel students should not feel afraid for being Jewish and expressing support for Israel,” continued the senators.

Read the full letter HERE. Read more HERE.

Sens. Rick Scott, Marsha Blackburn Introduce Legislation To Bolster Taiwan Defense Amid Tensions With CCP

Senator Rick Scott joined Senators Marsha Blackburn and Marco Rubio to introduce the Taiwan Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act. This legislation will support the United States’ partnership with Taiwan by authorizing a defense lend or lease program with the Government of Taiwan, in the case of preemptive aggression by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Senator Rick Scott said, “Taiwan must have the capacity to defend itself against an invasion from Communist China. The brave Taiwanese people are a shining example of democracy in the Indo-Pacific—a stark contrast to Xi Jinping’s tyrannical regime that commits gross human rights abuses. I’m proud to join my colleagues on this good bill to strengthen Taiwanese forces and continue to show that we refuse to bow to Xi’s aggression.”

Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Speaks at Concordia Americas Summit on the Threats Posed by Communist China to Future Economic Freedom in Latin America

Senator Rick Scott spoke at the 2023 Concordia Summit of the Americas at the University of Miami regarding the threats to freedom and democracy in Latin America due to the growing influence of oppressive regimes, like Communist China, Russia and Iran, in the Western Hemisphere. Senator Scott has been a staunch advocate for freedom-loving people across Latin America, and continues fighting to bring awareness to the serious issues that are threatening economic stability and prosperity in the region.

Read Senator Scott’s full remarks as prepared delivered HERE. 

Sen. Rick Scott and Rep. Troy Nehls Lead Colleagues in Letter to NBA Commissioner Concerning Chinese Influence on NBA

Senator Rick Scott and Congressman Troy Nehls led members of the House of Representatives and Senate in sending a letter to National Basketball Association (NBA) Commissioner, Adam Silver, sharing concerns about Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda being broadcasted and promoted at NBA games. The letter, signed by Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Dan Sullivan (R-AK), Eric Schmitt (R-MO), and Congressmen Kevin Hern (R-OK-01), Byron Donalds (R-FL-19), Greg Steube (R-FL-17), Burgess Owens (R-UT-04), Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05), Ryan Zinke (R-MT-01), and Lauren Boebert (R-CO-03) highlights a recorded video message from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Minister of Foreign Affairs, Qin Gang that was broadcasted to thousands of fans in attendance at Capital One Arena in Washington, D.C.

Read the full letter HERE. Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation Crisis

Senator Rick Scott released a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation. Following the release of President Biden’s massively reckless $6.8 TRILLION budget proposal Senator Scott released the following statement. Furthermore, earlier today, Senator Rick Scott applauded the House Freedom Caucus’ (HFC) proposal to make significant structural spending reform, claw back wasteful spending and end Washington’s reckless misuse of taxpayer dollars as part of negotiations on the debt ceiling.

Senator Rick Scott said, “If President Biden gave a damn about keeping the American Dream alive, he would stand up and reject the failed, woke agenda that has clearly taken over his party. The budget he proposed today shows he has no interest in doing that. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Biden likes to say, ‘show me your budget and I’ll show you what you value.’ The budget he proposed today shows the American people he doesn’t value them. If he did, he would get serious about rolling back burdensome regulations and focus on growing the economy so American business can create more, good paying jobs. Instead, he is sticking with his 87,000 IRS agent army to go after struggling families and small businesses. If he actually cared about families in the Sunshine State, and saving Social Security and Medicare, he would put forward a plan to balance the budget, start reducing our $31 TRILLION debt and end the reckless spending that is fueling skyrocketing inflation, driving up interest rates and pushing entitlement programs toward insolvency. Biden’s latest budget proposal does nothing but confirm what we already know: he is hopelessly powerless against the woke, socialist left. Yet another reason that Republicans in Washington need to STAND UP, stop caving to Democrats and demand a return to fiscal sanity.” 

Read more HERE. Lea más en español AQUÍ.