The Melo Minute


This week, we had a Special Session to address property insurance. Information about the Bill, which was passed, is below.

Balancing the interests of all stakeholders while keeping consumers at the forefront, SB 2D contains several measures to stabilize the property insurance market, including:

Property insurers must reduce policyholder rates as early as June 30, 2022, to reflect their savings from the new Reinsurance to Assist Policyholders (RAP) program created in SB 2D.
Property insurers can no longer refuse to write/renew a policy on a home with a roof that is 15 years old or newer or has five or more years of useful life left solely because of the roof’s age.
Property insurers must provide policyholders with a reasonable explanation in writing for why a claim was paid, denied, or partially denied.
Property insurers may provide an optional cheaper roof deductible to policyholders to help combat fraudulent roof claims that drive up rates for everyone.
In property insurance litigation, lawyers can only receive contingency risk multipliers in rare circumstances, can’t receive attorney fee awards in assignment of benefits (AOB) litigation, and can’t transfer the right to receive attorney fees.

Be Prepared!


Starting on May 28 until June 10, portable radios, pet supplies, flashlights, smoke detectors, fuel tanks, and more are tax-free!

It is an honor to serve as your State Representative. My team and I will continue to listen, work, and legislate on your behalf as we look to the future. God bless you all, and God bless the great state of Florida!

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Representative Lauren Melo
Florida House District 80
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Florida House District 80 | 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, FL 34112