Senator Rick Scott’s Week in Review

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This week, Senator Rick Scott spoke on the Senate floor to shine light on the Democrats’ reckless tax-and-spend spree that is already hurting families and businesses with skyrocketing inflation. Even as the President Biden’s inflation crisis rages, Democrats in Washington are pushing forward a partisan $5.5 TRILLION spending bill that will raise the national debt to $45 TRILLION. Senator Scott is fighting for real solutions to address Washington’s debt crisis and put the nation on a financially stable path, specifically with his introduction of the Federal Debt Emergency Control Act and Full Faith and Credit Act.

The Full Faith and Credit Act will ensure the federal government prioritizes funding for our military, veterans and seniors should the federal debt ceiling be reached with no action from Democrats to raise or suspend it. Senator Scott has been demanding that Congress take action to address America’s nearly $30 trillion current federal debt and get the reckless spending which fuels it under control. Senator Scott continues to urge his colleagues to refuse to increase the debt ceiling without also enacting true spending reform.

See more HERE or in the video below.


See more of what Senator Scott has been up to this week below.

Senators Rick Scott & Pat Toomey Lead Colleagues in Reintroducing Full Faith and Credit Act to Address Federal Debt Crisis

Senator Rick Scott and Senator Pat Toomey were joined by Senators Thom Tillis, Ron Johnson, Mike Braun, Bill Hagerty, Ted Cruz, Kevin Cramer, Shelley Moore Capito, Marco Rubio, John Barrasso and John Hoeven in reintroducing the Full Faith and Credit Act to ensure the federal government prioritizes funding for our military, veterans and seniors should the federal debt ceiling be reached with no action from Democrats to raise or suspend it. Senator Scott has been demanding that Congress take action to address America’s nearly $30 trillion federal debt and get the reckless spending which fuels it under control. Senator Scott continues to urge his colleagues to refuse to increase the debt ceiling without also enacting true spending reform.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Washington’s reckless spending is completely out of control. The United States is nearing $30 trillion in debt and Democrats are pushing a radical, socialist tax-and-spending agenda that will push us to an unimaginable $45 trillion. Too many in Washington have accepted deficit spending, blank checks, tax hikes and skyrocketing inflation as the status quo. We need to be clear: there will be a day of reckoning for this and unfortunately American families will pay the price. It’s time for Congress to take significant action to put our nation back on a path of economic success. I did it in Florida and we can do it in Washington.

“Our bill, the Full Faith and Credit Act, would require the U.S. government to fulfill critical payments to the debt to avoid default and full fiscal calamity if Democrats refuse to take accountability for their wasteful spending and address the debt ceiling. It also ensures Americans depending on Social Security, Medicare, veteran benefits, as well as our service members, are not punished for Washington’s dysfunction. I want to thank my friend and colleague, Senator Pat Toomey, for previously introducing this bill and allowing me the opportunity to lead this effort with him at this critical moment. It’s time for Washington to start living within its means, just like every family and business across the nation does, and preserve the American dream—this bill is a great start.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: I Won’t Let Democrats’ Reckless Spending Drive Inflation & Put Taxpayers on the Hook

Senator Rick Scott spoke on the Senate floor to shine light on the Democrats’ reckless tax-and-spend spree that is already hurting families and businesses with skyrocketing inflation. Even as the President Biden’s inflation crisis rages, Democrats in Washington are pushing forward a partisan $5.5 TRILLION spending bill that will raise the national debt to $45 TRILLION. Senator Scott is fighting for real solutions to address Washington’s debt crisis and put the nation on a financially stable path, specifically with his introduction of the Federal Debt Emergency Control Act and Full Faith and Credit Act.

The Full Faith and Credit Act will ensure the federal government prioritizes funding for our military, veterans and seniors should the federal debt ceiling be reached with no action from Democrats to raise or suspend it. Senator Scott has been demanding that Congress take action to address America’s nearly $30 trillion current federal debt and get the reckless spending which fuels it under control. Senator Scott continues to urge his colleagues to refuse to increase the debt ceiling without also enacting true spending reform. Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: Biden Administration Threatens U.S. Security in Partnership with Taliban & FBI Most Wanted Terrorist

During a hearing in the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC) on Threats to the Homeland, Senator Rick Scott questioned Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Christopher Wray on the Biden administration’s botched and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan which has empowered terrorists on the FBI’s Most Wanted List to take over the country.

Senator Rick Scott asked, “Earlier this month, the Taliban appointed its senior leadership and named Sirajuddin Haqqani to be Afghanistan’s interior minister. Haqqani is on the FBI’s most wanted list and designated as a global terrorist due to his role in the January 2008 attack on a hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan that killed six people, including an American citizen. Last I heard, the FBI was offering an up to $10 million reward for information leading to the arrest of Haqqani. Does anyone disagree that it is counter to America’s national security interest for a known terrorist to be in a position of leadership in Afghanistan?” See more HERE or in the video below.


Sen. Rick Scott: Biden’s Ignorant Denial of New Cold War with Communist China Threatens American Security

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement following President Joe Biden’s speech before the United Nations General Assembly. In his talk, President Biden stated that he “is not seeking a new Cold War…” with Communist China. For nearly two years, Senator Scott has been clear that Communist China’s aggression and increasing threats have resulted in a new Cold War with the United States.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Communist China has started a new Cold War with the United States. It’s long past time for President Biden to end his weak appeasement of General Secretary Xi, face this reality and protect American interests. Communist China wants only to hold total world power, regardless of the cost, and it has a sinister, Soviet-style plan to achieve it. As the world’s greatest beacon of freedom and democracy, the U.S. must do everything we can, in conjunction with our allies, to curb Communist China’s reach, counter their policies, and make the guilty pay for the ongoing human rights abuses, attacks on democracy and genocide against the Uyghurs. President Biden’s refusal to take this approach is nothing short of a dereliction of his duty and inexcusable display of weakness.”Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott joins Sen. Josh Hawley & Colleagues in Demanding More Time to Question Austin, Milley, McKenzie at Armed Services Hearing

Senator Rick Scott joined several of his colleagues on the Senate Armed Services Committee in a letter to Committee Chairman Jack Reed. In the letter, the senators requested more time to question Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, General Mark Milley and General Kenneth McKenzie when they appear before the Committee next week to discuss President Biden’s failed withdrawal from Afghanistan that stranded American citizens and took the lives of 13 U.S. service members. Currently, time is limited to 5 minutes for question and answer for each Senator which is insufficient to ensure robust questions that hold the Biden administration accountable and provide the American people with the transparency they deserve. Read more from Senator Hawley’s office HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott joins Sen. Ernst and Colleagues in Urging the Biden Administration to Designate the Taliban as a Terrorist Organization

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Joni Ernst and several of their colleagues in a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken urging the Biden administration to officially recognize the Taliban as a terrorist organization. Read more From Senator Ernst’s office HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Joins GOP Colleagues in No Hearing, No Vote bill to stop Democrats from ramming through reckless tax-and-spending spree

Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Mike Braun and colleagues in introducing No Hearing, No Vote legislation to require giant reconciliation packages, like Democrats’ reckless $5.5 trillion tax-and-spending spree, receive a full hearing before votes can occur so massive tax changes and spending bills can be vetted by Congress and the American people.

Senator Rick Scott said, “The lack of accountability to American taxpayers in Congress is staggering. Again and again, we’ve seen Democrats rush massive legislation spending billions or trillions in tax dollars without any public input, real debate or scrutiny. That needs to end. America’s credit card is maxed out and if we want to protect opportunity for future generations, we need to get our house in order and pay down the debt. We must pass our bill, No Hearing, No Vote, to hold Democrats accountable for every single dollar spent in their reckless tax-and-spend agenda. It is our responsibility to put structural reforms like these in place to get our nation back on an economically stable path for American families now and for future generations.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: Freedom-Loving Nations Must Reject Giving a Voice to Illegitimate Dictators Maduro and Díaz-Canel

Senator Rick Scott released the following statement after Mexican President López Obrador hosted brutal dictators Miguel Díaz-Canel of Cuba and Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela for the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) Summit, celebrating the 200th anniversary of Central American independence. Senator Scott continues to call on the Biden administration and the international community to stand up for freedom in Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, reject giving a voice to these oppressive leaders and hold these regimes accountable for their human rights abuses.

Senator Rick Scott said, “As the Communist regime of Cuba and the Socialist regime of Venezuela commit horrific human rights abuses and continue to deny their people freedom, the freedom-loving nations of the world must stand strongly united against them. It is unacceptable for any nation that values freedom and democracy to give Miguel Díaz-Canel and Nicolás Maduro a platform to spread their lies. This is a mockery to the people of Cuba and Venezuela that fight hard every day and risk their lives for democracy. Mexico and the United States have been strong allies against this violence, and it is my sincere hope that President López Obrador will right the wrong of hosting these dictators and praising their close relationship. We must all join together and stand up for the people of Cuba and Venezuela to stop the genocide, terrorism and oppression that not only harms these families but continues to create instability across our hemisphere. America will always unapologetically defend freedom and democracy and fight alongside those facing oppression under these illegitimate regimes.”Read more HERE.

Senador Rick Scott: Las naciones que aman la libertad deben rechazar darle voz a dictadores ilegítimos como Maduro y Díaz-Canel

El Senador Rick Scott emitió la siguiente declaración después de que el Presidente mexicano López Obrador recibiera a los brutales dictadores Miguel Díaz-Canel de Cuba y Nicolás Maduro de Venezuela para la Cumbre de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC), que celebraba el 200° aniversario de la independencia centroamericana. El Senador Scott continúa exigiendo al gobierno de Biden y a la comunidad internacional que defiendan la libertad en Cuba, Venezuela y Nicaragua, rechacen dar voz a estos líderes opresores y responsabilicen a estos regímenes por sus abusos contra los derechos humanos.

El Senador Rick Scott dijo: “Mientras el régimen comunista de Cuba y el régimen socialista de Venezuela cometen horribles abusos contra los derechos humanos y continúan negando la libertad a su pueblo, las naciones amantes de la libertad alrededor del mundo deben permanecer firmes y unidas contra ellos. Es inaceptable que cualquier nación que valore la libertad y la democracia le dé a Miguel Díaz-Canel y Nicolás Maduro una plataforma para difundir sus mentiras. Esto es una burla al pueblo de Cuba y Venezuela que cada día lucha duro y arriesga su vida por la democracia. México y Estados Unidos han sido fuertes aliados contra esta violencia, y tengo la más sincera esperanza de que el presidente López Obrador corrija el error de acoger a estos dictadores y elogiar su estrecha relación. Todos debemos unirnos y defender al pueblo de Cuba y Venezuela para detener el genocidio, el terrorismo y la opresión que no solo perjudica a estas familias, sino que continúa creando inestabilidad en todo nuestro hemisferio. Estados Unidos siempre defenderá sin disculpas la libertad y la democracia y luchará junto a aquellos que enfrentan la opresión bajo estos regímenes ilegítimos”. Lea más AQUÍ.

Sen. Rick Scott to OMB: Taxpayers Still Waiting for Answers on Trillions Allocated for COVID Relief

Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Acting Director Shalanda Young requesting an update on the trillions in tax dollars that has been already allocated to in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As Democrats in Congress try to push through a $5.5 trillion reckless tax-and-spending spree that will further fuel rising inflation caused by wasteful government spending, Senator Scott is calling for accountability for every single tax dollar spent to ensure it’s in the best interest of Florida families. Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott: Radical Left’s Defund the Police Movement Pushes U.S. Murder Rate to Record Increase

Senator Rick Scott released the below statement following the latest Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Uniform Crime Report that shows murders rose nearly 30 percent in 2020, the largest increase on record.

Senator Rick Scott said, “The Democrats’ celebration of violent riots in cities across the United States throughout 2020, and complete abandonment of law and order and lack of support for the brave men and women in law enforcement has had horrific consequences. Today’s announcement from the FBI shows just how tragic the cost to American communities can be when radical movements like defund the police take effect. We can never forget, these aren’t just statistics, these are Americans who have been lost due to a rash of violence in Democrat-run cities and states across our nation. As Governor of Florida, I proudly supported our state’s law enforcement and made sure they had what they needed to keep Florida safe. It’s thanks to their tireless work that our state has continued to see record-low crime rates. Now, as Florida’s U.S. Senator, I remain absolutely committed to supporting our state and nation’s heroic law enforcement officers. As Washington’s radical Left continues to drive their extremist agenda that’s endangering our communities, I won’t let them defund or disarm our hardworking police. Now more than ever, I will do everything in my power to ensure America’s law enforcement gets the support and respect they deserve to keep our families safe.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month with “Un Cafecito Con” Video Series

In recognition and celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month,, Senator Rick Scott announced the “Un cafecito con” video series. Over the coming weeks, Senator Scott will be interviewing Hispanic leaders from across Florida to highlight their incredible stories and recognize the countless contributions of the Hispanic community to the great state of Florida and to our country.

Senator Rick Scott said, “It’s an honor to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month and recognize the history, culture and countless contributions of the Hispanic community to our great state of Florida and our nation. The Hispanic community has shaped Florida’s history, and is part of what makes our state the best place in the nation to live, work and visit. I’m proud to join leaders across Florida to share their incredible stories and rich cultural backgrounds. I encourage all Floridian to join me in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month and learning more about all that our state’s Hispanic community has done for the Sunshine State.” See more HERE or in the video below.


El Senador Rick Scott celebra el Mes de la Herencia Hispana con la serie de videos “Un Cafecito Con”

El Senador Rick Scott anunció hoy la serie de videos: “Un cafecito con” en reconocimiento al Mes de la Herencia Hispana. Durante las próximas semanas, el Senador Scott estará entrevistando diferentes líderes hispanos de toda Florida para descubrir las grandes historias detrás de ellos y reconocer las innumerables contribuciones de la comunidad hispana al gran estado de Florida y a nuestro país.

El Senador Rick Scott dijo: “Es un honor celebrar el Mes de la Herencia Hispana y reconocer la historia, la cultura y las innumerables contribuciones de la comunidad hispana al gran estado de Florida y a nuestro país. La comunidad hispana ha dado forma a la historia de Florida, y eso es parte de lo que hace que nuestro estado sea el mejor lugar de la nación para vivir, trabajar y visitar. Me enorgullece unirme a los líderes de Florida para compartir sus increíbles historias de éxito y antepasados. Animo a todos los floridanos a acompañarme a celebrar el Mes de la Herencia Hispana y conocer más sobre todo lo que la comunidad hispana ha hecho por el estado del sol”. Vea más en el video AQUÍ.

Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation Crisis

Senator Rick Scott released a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation as Democrats want to again raise the debt ceiling and give themselves a blank check for trillions more in reckless, wasteful spending that will only further fuel President Biden’s raging inflation crisis.

Senator Rick Scott said, “Reckless government spending causes inflation. We’ve seen the disastrous consequences of the Democrats’ radical spending plans in consistently rising inflation month after month. We know Democrats won’t stand up and fight for American families. They only care about getting their liberal wish list, no matter the cost. There will be a day of reckoning for this, and unfortunately, American families will pay the price if Democrats have their way. It’s time to say enough. Republicans won’t raise the debt ceiling. We won’t cut Democrats another blank check and allow them to keep hurting families with insane spending and raging inflation. We won’t let the total lack of accountability in Congress continue.” Read more HERE.

Sen. Rick Scott in Orlando Sentinel: GOP Won’t Fuel Inflation Crisis by Raising Debt Limit

Senator Rick Scott wrote an op-ed for the Orlando Sentinel on why Senate Republicans will not support raising the debt ceiling and excuse the Democrats’ massive spending that is already hurting families by fueling a raging inflation crisis. Today, U.S. debt is nearly $30 TRILLION. Under the reckless tax-and-spending spree proposal drafted by socialist Bernie Sanders, Democrat spending would increase federal debt by more than $15 TRILLION, taking it to $45 TRILLION by 2031.

In the op-ed, Senator Rick Scott wrote, “In 2019, Congress voted to suspend the debt limit, letting the federal government rack up unlimited debt for two years. Now, the debt limit suspension has expired and congressional Democrats are pitching this as a decision point with only two options: vote to suspend the debt limit again or increase it.

Republicans won’t stand for it. As spending bills by Democratic leadership rage out of control, we won’t vote to bail them out and cut them more blank checks to bury us in debt, increase America’s interest expense and fuel an already raging inflation crisis hurting families across Florida. It’s time for Democrats to own the debt crisis they created.

Reckless spending has consequences, like rising inflation and growing government interest expenses. Recently, my office heard from a family in Kissimmee who is feeling the impacts of inflation firsthand. They are having a harder time putting food on the table and balancing the ability to keep their vehicle. That’s the effect of this irresponsible and dangerous path the Democrats are on.

With interest rates at historic lows, the U.S. government is already spending nearly $345 billion annually on interest. Instead of funding infrastructure, defense or the environment, nearly $345 billion is just paying interest which provides zero return to American families. As the debt grows, this will only get worse.

How can Congress justify that? No family or business would keep spending more when you can’t afford the bills you already have. In the real world, it’s not the number of checks you have in your checkbook, it’s how much money you have left in the bank. But, for Congressional Democrats, it’s about spending until the checks are gone, ignoring the overdraft warnings, and then ordering more.

It’s time to show President Biden and the liberals that their debt crisis has dangerous consequences that are wasting the hard-earned tax dollars of Florida families. I’ll keep fighting every day to put our nation on a successful path and ensure our future generations have every opportunity to live the American dream.”

Read the full op-ed in the Orlando Sentinel HERE.

The Hill: $30 TRILLION: Rick Scott warns that debt will push America over a fiscal cliff

Forbes: ‘This Is Their Responsibility’: Rick Scott Blows Off Democratic Demands GOP Help Raise Debt Ceiling

CNBC: Sen. Rick Scott on China’s Evergrande and economic outlook

Newsmax: Sen. Rick Scott Blasts Dems Over Murder Rate Increase

Forbes: Rick Scott Calls Out Mayorkas For ‘Border Is Secure’ Comment To His Face

Media Research CenterSen. Rick Scott: Government is Going to Have to Balance the Budget Eventually

Nexstar: US lawmakers seek answers as scammers continue to target seniors

Nexstar: Republican senators won’t budge on debt limit increase as Democrats push big spending bill

Florida Daily: Rick Scott: Congress Needs to Prioritize Funds for Military, Veterans and Seniors in Debt Ceiling Fight

El Nacional: Rick Scott: No country should give Maduro a platform to spread lies

Miami Mundo: Senador Rick Scott: Las naciones que aman la libertad deben rechazar darle voz a dictadores ilegítimos como Maduro y Díaz-Canel

Senator Scott has received his COVID-19 vaccine, and he encourages everyone consider doing the same. The COVID-19 vaccine works and is critical to ending the pandemic and saving lives.

For more information and to find out where you can get the shot, visit








