Welcome 2021 – A New Begining

Russell Tuff, President Collier County Republican Men’s Club
Hello, I’m Russell Tuff and was appointed as your President of the Men’s Republican Club of Collier County.
First, I would like to shower Jim Carter (former president) with a great debt of gratitude for bringing the club from a small group gathering to a strong, robust organization during his tenure. When you look around the room and feel that sense of comradery with like minded people, it was Carters efforts that made that possible.
Next, we had two other dedicated board members that worked tirelessly and diligently to assist Carter that past years and their work and effort should be acknowledged. They were instrumental in putting plans and actions into place. These two men include, John Thomas and Chad Gillenwater. They did more than you will ever know and were quiet in not getting the just recognition for a job well done.
We welcome new board and officer members Mark Batchelor, Glenn Brown, and Reg Buxton. They join Randy Cash, John Dugan, Pete Koenig, Michael Nadolski, Jerry Sanford.
The new board and officers can be seen here.
What can you expect over the next two years from your new men’s club president?
Jim Carter agreed to assist in continuing to arrange program speakers, so you can expect the same high level of speakers as in the past.
We’ve created a new position of Vice-President of Business Development, which will be chaired by Reg Buxton. We hope to capture more inclusion from the Naples businesses and residents and engage them in our efforts to carry out the belief’s we hold dear. See those beliefs here.
In addition, we will be expanding our Outreach effort through local media, electronic media, and PR methods to improve our standing in the community and demonstrate the benefits of carrying out the Republican beliefs mentioned before.
We will continue our scholarship efforts to encourage our youth to strive for the ideals we have been raised to believe; Respect for Life, Respect for the Constitution, Limited Government, and Personal Responsibility.
Membership will be aggressively pursued to assist in growing and strengthening the Republican Image in Naples/Collier County. We need everyone’s help to spread the word
We will develop closer relationships and sharing of information with the other Republican organizations in the community, as working together we will all be stronger.
I look forward to serving as your president and assisting our great board and officers in the future. I’m honored and humbled that you put me in this position, and I will need your help to achieve any of the goals listed.
Here’s to a great 2021!
Russell Tuff
Collier County Republican Men’s Club